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RE: Where are all the Ancaps at?

in #ancap7 years ago

Unfortunately, the public perception of Anarchists is a media-induced delusion of scruffy men throwing bombs, and of Libertarians as a bunch of closet homosexual dudebros on 4chan demanding their "right" to wave their penises in everyone else's faces. Even more unfortunately, the public perception is pretty accurate.

The thing yesterday scared me, not because I can't handle it, but because I've bled all over the streets of this country fighting for those who can't fight for themselves, and there comes a point where I'm too tired to stand alone against a mob trying to force its beliefs on everyone else. It's not that my posts were flagged, or even that one of yours was flagged into oblivion, it's the question it raises in a "minnow's" mind: Is it worth it? Not even in financial terms, although that is a consideration as well, but in terms of actually making a positive difference in the world. If I post something that matters to me and it gets flagged into oblivion by some hateful mob, why should I keep putting forth the effort?
Because the awful truth is, hate has won in this world. So many weep and wring their hands when the TV cameras are rolling, but nobody wants to do the hard things, and those of us who do are considered radicals and pariahs. They want me on the front line taking bullets for them but want me to go back in my box and be quiet until the next enemy stations an army at their front door.
We can change that. But it takes "we" as a community supporting one another. Because you better believe those who would harm us are absolutely united in their desire to do so.
I believe in the Non-Aggression Principle. I believe in voluntary association. It's a lot simpler to be honest and mean it than to perform all the mental gymnastics of statists to justify why I am entitled to the same "rights" I would deny to others. The ugly truth is most of us don't want equality; most of us want supremacy. Demanding equality with oppressors is not the same as resisting oppression.
For what it's worth, this life has made me cynical, but it's also made me powerful, and I have your back whenever possible.


Im getting ready for work and cant respond to this amazing post properly until tonight but i wanted to tell you im here too, i got you as well, and thats an army the likes of which this world has never seen🖤🦄🖤🦄i will give you the proper time when my day is over, much much love to you!!