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RE: Where are all the Ancaps at?

in #ancap7 years ago (edited)

I know several trans ancap individuals online now, all of whom are incredible people. I suspect the ancap/voluntaryists who are logically consistent are not downvoting the LGBT tag.

However, it is very important to note steemit is not 100% voluntaryist. There are a number of other individuals, ideologies, and concepts out on Steemit. Although we are more of a majority on this platform than others, that fact doesn't imply that some content providers a) have/do not have an inherent bias against the LGBT community, or b) that all members of steemit are ancap.

That said, it might not be the tag itself that is getting downvoted, but the content posted to it. So far, what I have seen with downvoting, and from my own usage of it, it tends to be used to express discontent with an individual's content, not their subgroup classification. This may be the core issue, and the emergent problem from it is the downvoting of a tag collectively.

Someone would need to analyse the content associated to that tag to see if the posts themselves are consistent and logical, and in line with voluntaryist principles. If they are, and they are getting downvoted, then the LGBT tag being the cause of the downvoting is highly plausible, and some logical arguments need to be put to those who are doing the downvoting itself.

However, if members of any group are making claims they deserve X more than other groups, because of their group status, that is collectivism, the antithesis of anarchocaptialism. Even I, as open minded & committed to spreading this philosophical view around as I am, would downvote such claims, regardless of the group they are part of.

One final point - Steemit has a very heavy following in the developing world, especially against that specific tag (from a cursory glance at the "hot" topics on it). This region is not as open to certain lifestyles being permissible, just as most individuals in society cannot comprehend life without the state.

My advice is to downvote responses or content which uses fallacious reasoning to justify any negative claims against that community. Use the tools to hand to help anarchically moderate opinion on the network. If most people agree with your concerns, then it will work.


So, we can start by assuming that i have already done and implemented the basics. Though thank you for recapping the proper way to use a down vote, its important to have a clear baseline.

That being said this is a call to action, not a philosophical problem of intent. They are already inappropriately downvoting all post assosisted with the tag, also side nott. It can be taken as a givin from here forward that when i say tag i do in fact mean the posts assosiated with the tag not the tag itself, i had thought that was apparent, i apologize for the miscommunication. Thank you for your time i will respond to you more in depth after i leave work, just wanted you to know i see you and appreciate you stopping in on my post, talk soon!😊😊😊🦄🖤👑

@anarchicwolf sorry it took me a bit to respond, its been a hectic week but I didn't want to leave this unanswered.

You make some good points. I think perhaps I should explain that I've been on steemit for more than a minute and I've been an Anarchist for twenty years. Theory is not something I lack. Putting theory into action is what this post is about. Also chiding the a cap community for its lack of interest in a very real problem. I do fully understand that the entire steemit universe is not wholely populated by ancapps or volenterist leaning people, I believe that's why its even more important to uphold the proper motivations and disincentives here on steemit, to show the planet how organized anarchy can work in actual spaces not just theoretical ones.

"However, if members of any group are making claims they deserve X more than other groups, because of their group status, that is collectivism, the antithesis of anarchocaptialism. Even I, as open minded & committed to spreading this philosophical view around as I am, would downvote such claims, regardless of the group they are part of."

You will need to explain what you are trying to say with this. It appears that its a mild rebuke towards the lgbtq community trying to establish itself as equal here on steemit, if that's the case we need to talk about that, I bring it up because there are a few points in your post that appear to be saying that I, an imputant trans women could never understand that some people don't agree with my right to exist so instead of trying to live and thrive I should just be quite because in fact I'm not equal and no one cares.

Now, I think that as an ancap I can give you the bennifit of the doubt and assume your just trying to reason out what happened to cause this post. I'm down with that and I will talk with you about it however you need to be aware moving forward that I am aware of advanced anarchic theory and how to put it into practice. Also be aware that this has been on going and well researched and documented as a continued problem that we are working to solve and all the math has been looked at.

They are not down voting my post about my last workout because its offensive, its tagged transgender, they openly hate trans people and so they down voted it. Its a misuse one time, its a misuse 80 times its just a misuse, regardless of the fact that they hate me there is no practical reason for that down vote except to silence the LGBT community I am not the only person this happens too, this is not the first time, and why on earth do you think I would bring it to the public fourm without confirming the basics of the situation. The manner in which I feel as though I'm being pandered too by some makes my point for me I think, its time to act not try to backseat drive and let others stand up on the moral high ground alone, that's not what anarchy is.

@steampunk-penny I'm not claiming that trans people have no right to exist, or are incapable of understanding, or are somehow inhuman/subhuman. Far from it. I consider the community as equal as any other member of society. As mentioned I know several ancap trans individuals, and consider them my equal at minimum WRT the topics I tend to comment on.

That said, the idea that any group deserves special treatment because of their grouping alone is collectivism. It is antithetical to the philosophy of individualism, which is what anarchocapitalism is based on. That implies that the group is more than equal to others in society and deserves special treatment, or privilege to use the collectivist terminology.

Your group identity should have no bearing on whether or not the content you provide has value, either to the community as a whole or to other individuals.

Now if the content is being downvoted solely because of the tag, you are making a fair and reasonable argument. I would say those doing the down-voting should be confronted, and made to think critically about the issue.

If, however, the content itself is making claims that are invalid, then the issue is more muddled. I haven't delved into your content much to be honest, as this was the first post from yourself that I saw. So, instead of making a presumption or assumption on anything discussed, I tried to demonstrate the framework of rationality I work from.

I cannot say what research you have done, or what reasons that those downvoting your content have for downvoting. I always work from the position that no research has been done, unless it is presented, and as no research was presented, I was forced to presume none was done. As you have clarified this, I will assume you are correct in your analysis, as you are more aware of the issue at hand.

I had no intent to offended you, nor was it an attempt to pander to either yourself or anyone else. I am simply a logically minded individual, and was expressing alternatives to the idea that the tag itself was equating to a downvote for those that used it.

You are correct to state that the tag should not be down-voted simply because of the tag. There should be no ambiguity on that. The content behind the tag is a different matter, but the tag itself should not warrant such activity.

However, it is important to be aware of whom is interacting with that tag. Are they from an Islamic culture, which treats such individuals as haram? Or an Christian African culture, where the laws against said community are draconian? From the cursory review I had when I first posted my comments, it looks to be skewed to those regions for comments and posts. That alone might explain the cause of the down-voting. If it does, then the ancap community would be limited in their ability to mitigate this. The reasoned arguments we would make will be coming into combat with religious ideologies, and like all dogmatic beliefs, logic takes a back seat to the writ religions are based on.

Thank you so much for your response, sorry I'm back on closing shifts at work and it makes my days all weird but when I get a minute to respond I will, just wanted to let you know I read it and liked it🦄🦄🦄