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RE: Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain

in #anarchy7 years ago

Anarcho-capitalism is replacing the state for corporation?

Corporations are fictitious entities that come with the fictitious entity "the state". No state no corporations.

As long as people are required to "earn" money units of one kind or another in order to get the necessities of life (food, water, shelter), then they do not have the freedom to actually make a voluntary decision on whether or not to sell their labor. They either sell their labor for money, or they die of starvation, thirst, or exposure. Hence the term wage slavery.

I have a few questions about that part to see if I understand it correctly what is said and what the consequences are.

So if you have to sell your labor to get food etc you don't have to do that because then you can call yourself a slave?
Of who or what
And then others MUST give you their work or work they did in the past, or else.....?
And that is not forced labor?


The term wage slavery has been used to describe this conundrum (which is mostly based on land ownership, and confounded through "school" and media which have effectively removed the ability to be self-sufficient from much of humanity).

In times past, you could go out and find food on the ground or in the trees, you could build shelter from sticks, hides, rocks, clay, etc., and you could drink water from wherever it flowed (though obviously that wouldn't always be clean)

Now, if you are born, or simply find yourself in an area, where the land is "owned", and thus you are "violating" someone else by eating the food on it, using the raw materials on it, building shelter on it, or drinking the water from it... How is that natural?

Without the illusion of "ownership" over the natural world, one could never keep another from eating food that Mother Earth has provided.

The main point of the argument (which I am simply explaining in the hopes of getting people to consider rather than disregard because it doesn't fit into their current beliefs) is that if all do not have access to the natural necessities of life because of the game of materialism, then they cannot simply live... They now have to "earn a living".