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RE: Time to take back the government

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

People should be scared of their governments , cause it has the monopoly on the use of violence.
You can't take "your" government back because it wasn't "yours" to begin with. In fact government is just as real as Santa Claus. And only if you stop believing you can take government back, government of yourself.
As an example; I can only govern/rule myself, I have no "right" to govern/rule anybody else. How would I have gotten such a "right". How can anybody else acquire such a "right"? They could not have gotten it from me since I don't have that "right" to tell people what to do or not do, with the threat of, or the use of violence, to begin with. And since nobody in the whole world has such a "right" nobody can give it to another human. And since politician are human also they can not get such a "right". It doesn't even matter if 99% of the americans or the whole world population says they can acquire it because they say so , they just can't, at least not over me.
Well I know they are good at their games, and do a lot of fancy rituals to give it the impression of legitimacy. And do a good job at it since most people seem to still believe the rhetoric and propaganda that they've ( and I've) got indoctrinated since childhood', about democracy and government being a protector an caretaker for "the people", freedom bla bla. But I know it is just a bunch of bullshit. To put it nicely :)
I'll do my own (r)evolution, by not needing, and distancing, my self as much as I can from the institution that call's itself government but that is in reality Big Maffia.
English is not my native language so excuse me if i made some mistakes.


Your english is good and you made some valid points thanks for your input