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RE: Tearing Down Statues: How Everything Could and Is Going Wrong in the US Empire... And How To Fix It

in #anarchy8 years ago

I was indeed greatly misreading something,
The whole conversation was a misinterpretation from my side.

Because I read your first reply as a reply to the post. But it was a reply to another reply.
This puts it in a whole different light.
A WHOLE different light.

This needs to be changed to "No one (including yourself) has the ability to distinguish between true or false with 100% accuracy about all things at all times."

The point is that someone should be able to read DV's post, and see truth in it, while also realizing that not every single word is absolutely true. Some of it is bias, some of it is wrong, and there are other factors at play as well.

Yes. That's a good idea with everything you hear of see or read from anybody.
Or even "your" own thoughts. Question everything comes to mind.

I'm sorry for the confusion this whole misunderstanding from my side brought about.
And thank you for replying, and sticking with it.
Good night.


No problem.

Just as I first suspected, even if you're not biased, or wrong, I might still fail to communicate correctly. Quite troublesome to not always know how to say a thing right. =p

But all is well, my friend. I knew you were legitimate from the beginning, so I'm happy we had this chat. You're cool.