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RE: Socialism: Expectation vs. Reality

in #anarchy7 years ago


Self-professed socialist individuals outside the default psycopathy of those implementing the Luciferian Globalist Agenda either enter into a sociopathic relationship with state, or maintain an unconscious relationship with state by default of their choice to avoid a valid philosophy.

In my opinion, Ayn Rand best described what a valid philosophy is by encompassing the process of elimination in her statement, "no valid philosophy can't be practiced to the nth degree". Any philosophy that can't be practiced to the nth degree is "invalid". By Rand's benchmark altruism practiced to the nth degree results in death.

Socialism is built upon the invalid philosophy of altruism (the philosophy of death) and as there are no selfless acts the implementation of socialism requires coercion, extortion and the synergistic progression of aggression(s) culminating in mass oppression and death. Therefore the objective of the psychopathic sector that implements socialism is mass oppression and death.

The psychopathic are incapable of empathy, the sociopathic enjoy their monetary payment for their transactions in maintaining what they know is wrong but take comfort in faith that they will run out the clock and die before they are held accountable.

In contrast the unconscious "falling for the sales pitch" are in the present status quo mostly responding to economic choice (or lack of choice) and diminished opportunity to survive on their own true competence. The Welfare State (socialism) makes the greatest noise to attract them, and the sociopathic sector is almost entirely comprised of family and friends whom advocate their inclusion.

Without a valid philosophy the unconscious are by default intolerant of the nature of life to judge and be prepared to be judged. From the cradle to the grave they seek inclusion through conformity. Virtue to them is defined by superior numbers. Collectivism practiced to the nth degree is the Luciferian Globalist Agenda, whether the unconscious ever awaken to see it or not. This devolution from natural law isn't possible in coexistence with valid philosophy. It requires invalid philosophy.

The unconscious without a valid philosophy will continue to act in faith constructed per statist indoctrination progression of patriotism-statism-obedience-dependence. A conscious person knows this is not a chain of freedom. A sociopathic person knows what's wrong but chooses to do it anyway. An unconscious person does what they are told or what is easiest.

And then there is me. I reject faith in all forms. Faith in science is not science. I reject the minarchism popularized and practiced by Rand. I accept Aristotleanism components that do not require faith. I maintain only voluntary relationships, with strict adherence to the non-aggression principle. I am no-thing. I simply am.

Thank you for all you do.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA