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RE: Sovereignty, the recognition of "Official Sovereignty" and how we are all above the law.

in #anarchy8 years ago

You seem confused about who/what you are vs what you have/possess ?

You are a man. You are not a person. You possess a person / legal personnality. That means you CONTROL that person.

A person is a legal entity that the state creates for a man/woman after he/she starts living. It's a tool to exist / act / be abused in their commercial / legal / public debt slavery system.

That person was created after you started living, without your consent, by the state. They then went on to maje you believe, all your life, that you were that person. That person is the legal name. It's not yours. "He who creates sonething owns that thing". You can only use it.

Just like dollar bills aren't yours. They are state property.
Just like the drivers license isn't yours. Or any gøvt ID.

When you sign that name, or you ID as the person, you accept surety for that person.

When you use LEGAL TENDER NOTES (dollars) you accept the LEGAL TENDER THAT MONEY PROVIDES. The words THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER mean "This piece of paper is an unconditional offer for law". If you use them, you accept to be bound by the acts, codes and statutes that back that money.

That's why Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are really so powerful.

So. Accepting SURETY means accepting to pay.

The LEGAL role of a surety is to discharge debts and/or charges addressed / brought up against a person. The LEGAL system is a game of SURETY and ACCOUNTING. They have a bunch of tricks they can use against your ignorance to make a man / woman accept surety for it's person.

A person is effectively a slave.
You have a slave in your pocket.
When you use it your are deemed to BE that slave.
We know slavery was abolished.

THAT is why every charter of rights, anywhere in the world, recognizes the right or every human being to his/her person's surety/security.


Now, the challenge is to have this fundamental human right respected by the parasites who use the gøvernment to abuse good honest hard workin men and women. For that to happen, we need to help others learn the TRUTH.

You should all be very careful when you use words you BELIEVE you know the LEGAL meaning of. Here in REALITY, these words are meant to hurt you !

I haven't posted much on steemit yet, by my posts will primarily focus on SURETY, money/debt, slavery and human rights. stuff I have learned over the past 3-4 years and I've VERIFIED TO BE TRUE. Not just in my head, but by challenging the gøvernement about it.

@petedaoust is also a guy you wanna follow if you're into that stuff.
And @kentbarrett has an "articles" section on where are published some very interesting articles written by a very knowledgeable man...

Read those articles. Don't ask yourself if it's the truth, find out WHY it's the truth ;)

Fun times ahead for sure !


Thank you for your response I understand and agree with most of what you say. There is however no confusion on my part as to who "I" am... I have been acting not only on my own behalf but as the only "authorized agent" by my own authorization of my "Person/corporate person-hood" for many years... My writing is meant to bring about understanding in a simple and thought provoking manner..
It is said that if you don't understand it well enough to explain it simply you don't understand it well enough.. And as these arguments can get quite complicated as is the nature of un-natural law (once you begin to regulate human beings there is no end to the loopholes you must create to limit your own exposure to those laws)..
But thank you very much for reading and your comments are appreciated.. I'll check out your links.. ;-)