More Shakespearean theatre....

in #anarchy7 years ago

So Trump is pulling out of the Paris Agreement...  My political atheism aside... I'll take this one as somewhat of a win... but... (you knew that was coming I bet)... take note that China is 'their' model country.. followed by India.. and the U.S. is in the process of getting it's bones picked by the vultures... with that in mind it all makes sense as energy resources are the key to the future... a future that 'we' are going to be pretty minor players in.. I'd suggest planting a big garden and investing in canning jars instead of hoping for a high paying job anytime soon.... unless resource extraction engineer is in your resume..... that aside, all the key elements of Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030 and the Paris accord are  all pretty well in motion... more theatre....and Trump is a Shakespearean actor extraordinaire.

I'd suggest reading the book Technocracy rising by Patrick Wood.. and eye opening account of what the future holds regardless of what political puppet is in power.. I ordered a used one from Amazon and got basiclly a new looking copy signed by the author.. SWEET!


I think this quote by Shakespeare sums up Trump:

"All the world's a stage..."

Politics is like a Greek Tragedy:
You expect it to end well, but it never does.

Trilaterals Over Washington (Patrick Wood & Antony Sutton) is worth a read if you are interested in the roots of globalism.

Definitely .. I see it is back in print.. planning on ordering a copy soon...