[PTSD] President Trump Steem Dispatch - Take my advice Please! Meet #UNRIG!

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


Dear Mr. President,

Highest regards for all of your hard work. You are now 7 months in to your historic Presidency but you have overlooked ONE VERY IMPORTANT item on your "Honey Do" list...
I insert the following image as a reminder of the item in question.

"Because you would be in jail."

This was THE historic remark made by you at the famous, 2nd Presidential Debate in October of last year. More important than this famous quote is the PROMISE YOU DELIVERED to Hillary Clinton... About 20 minutes into that debate.

“If I win, I’m going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there’s never been so many lies, so much deception.”

Awesome quote Mr. President! Bully for you! It's nice to see you standing up to the Borg Queen of the Deep State. It was one of the single best events witnessed in American Politics in over 200 years. And the Memeverse went wild for the fodder. For the first time in my life, I remember thinking to myself, we may have the possibility of seeing a Deep State Operative actually go down for the DOZENS of crimes that have been following her for more than two decades. The feeling of that night was only surpassed by your historic Presidential WIN not but a month later. And with that WIN, many Americans like myself believed that we would actually see you come through on your promise to "LOCK HER UP!"

... but that was before this...


Frankly speaking Mr. President...

But WTF is up with hiring Hank Hill's dad to harass Stoners and interfere with the laws of 29 states?




Dick move Donald... serious Dick move!

Attorney General Sessions is an absolute FARCE for an A.G. Pick. And his countless errors and absurdities that he has been quoted saying in regards to Cannabis are culturally up there with the Sh!t spewed by White Hood wearing relics of deeply ignorant, hillbilly inbreds. This Bucked Tooth Jethro needs to be fired faster than Scaramucci on a bad Memo day. Not only for his blatant disregard for the Constitution, but also because he appears to be INCAPABLE of faithfully executing the office of Attorney General.

You need an attorney who will go after a political Traitor like Hillary and her minions, with MORE VIGOR than a DEA SWAT Team going after a Grandma with a Joint. You need an A.G. that will order the arrest and detainment of Political Thieves and Murderers, rather than gardeners and farmers. You need someone who understands that non-violent users of a PLANT are not NEARLY AS DANGEROUS as a network of political Rat Lines and pay to play cronyism. In short, you need someone OTHER THAN Jeff (FuckFace) Sessions... does this make sense?


For the remainder of this post I wish to point out that the general consensus among the groups I am involved with, is that there is a plot to remove you from the office of the Presidency. For proof of this plot I would suggest you listen to some of the following people:

  • Mike Cernovich
  • Robert David Steele
  • Cynthia McKinney
  • Alex Jones
  • Roger Stone
  • Steve Pieczenik
  • Jerome Corsi

This is a short list but it's a start. For a shorter list or for a very effective way to get more done with less, I suggest you book an interview RIGHT AWAY for this guy... Bob BALLS OF Steele!


Mr. President, you've said we live in a rigged system. Bernie Sanders also says we live in a rigged system. Neither of you is doing anything about this. YOU are letting Hillary and friends roll over you, and the People's Party is AT LEAST busy suing Hillary.

Robert Steele and Cynthia McKinney are trying to UNRIG the very system that you are on record as saying is Rigged.

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As an interested user of the so called "Freedoms" of this country, I have to stress that I hate seeing more and more of them get round filed by absurdists like FuckFace Sessions while FAMOUS QUOTES about "Lock her up" go ignored.





...do you sleep at night while this TURD of a Lawyer goes on opening his mouth to say things that have nothing to do with Locking up Hillary Clinton? Hmmm? It's a simple question...

The man ought to be at least going for Rapist hiding in Bushes more often than Pot Smokers or Weed Users, ya dig?

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I'll make it simpler for you...

1. FIRE EVERYONE! Washington is a Swamp and has too much power. In short, keep firing people, do not stop... ever.

2. Open Source the Deep State.
Imgur Have an extended meeting with Robert Steele and Cynthia McKinney with the #unrig movement. Combined, these two have the power to fix a lot of things that you have idiots like Sessions jacking up. They also are very much interested in Unifying a great majority of the voters out there that you're doing a swell job of annoying. And they're already self employed so you won't be hiring them only to fire them later... keep Firing!

3. Free the Weed! Meaning, you just need to fix this one simple problem by DE-SCHEDULING Cannabis! Simply get it removed from Federal policies of enforcement. I figured you guys had more pressing problems with Global Terrorism and Financial Crimes, but thanks to that SLACK JAWWED YOKLE you hired as an Attorney General, FuckFace that he is, it appears that chasing peaceful cannabis users around the country is more his style. Remove Cannabis from Federal Scheduling standards, and this won't be a problem going forward. This is also the point where you FIRE Sessions. Remember... keep firing.

4. Flank your opposition. For precedence on this step, refer to the 2012 NDAA. There will be some folks around the Whitehouse, who you haven't fired yet, who can fill you in on how to use THAT document to insist on Hillary Clinton being flown down to the Caribbean for some enhanced interrogation techniques. The results of such a productive interview process will no doubt lead to a large list of folks to be used in step ONE! And remember... keep firing!

In Closing...

Mr. President, I respect you and appreciate the sacrifice you've made to become #45 in a long list of men who take a lot of credit for the work of a nation. But I'd like for you to know that I don't really care about your struggles right now because the Nation and it's continuation into the future is a far more important mission than worrying about a guy who's done so well for himself. Please just stick to the promises you've made over the last year and remain VIGILANT in closing the book on so much corruption. Get the WITCH locked up, remove that Dick Head from Attorney General, and get on with Making America Great Again.

Thank you.


~Quixotic Malcontent



Thank you for the contribution.Resharing @phibetaiota

~The Management


@citizenpresscorp and merkabafilmgroup.com and @steempunkradio approve this message. Sessions is making a mockery of the percieved POTUS vision. Your fired Jeff Sessions! Next


I trust Cynthia McKinney and echo your support for the #unrig movement. I also agree that Hillary should be locked up and Jeff Sessions fired.

I wish I could share your faith in our President to do the right thing. Lets face it - he isn't an outsider and he won't upturn the applecart. He is a billionaire with a vested interest in not changing the system that got him there. We are going to have to elect a real reformer like Ron Paul of Jill Stein if we want to actually drain the swamp.

I love how people rave about Donnie because he's ostensibly not part of the deep state -according to their interpretation, and/or only the sources they trust. They presume, based on what I'm convinced is his carefully-calculated record of outright lies, shaded truth, and distractions and derailments that render everything he says untrustworthy, his personal agenda is something other than profit maximization for his brand at any cost, or, if they recognize that, that that's far more beneficial that anything the deep state could ever do.
His narcissistic monomania has been obvious for over 40 freaking years to even such a poor judge of public character as me. It was fed all that time by his business life, which is truly liars placing trust in other liars (as my Dad, a professional realtor, observed so long ago about the big-city and big-project real estate industry), and then a minority of the population in the right places in a stochastically-rigged race (he'll NEVER address that issue) placed him in power. That monomania gives the deep state a PERFECT handle on him both directly and indirectly.
The only reason he'll fire Sessions is Jeffie's just slightly capable of operating according to the mandates of his office concerning ignoring Drumpf's collusive behavior with dangerous foreign powers (emphasis on the plural) and stunning emoluments violations, he'll quick as lightning hire someone else he figures to be more pliable to his requirements (primarily, that the law only applies to losers, not him).
If ganja were legalized federally (it WOULD be a great idea), I'm sure millions of stoners would party like it's 1999, and completely ignore the threats he poses to EVERYONE in the country (including being such a ready tool of the deep state)- but I don't think (or at least I pray ) that uptick in support wouldn't convince any of the rest of us to modify our antagonism.

Steem On.Good points. I agree that Trump is not the guy to do a lot of Applecart turning, but he really has already turned over ONE major issue and hopefully #unrig can get in there and expose the need for Electoral Reform.

Nice write up @tyroan. I don't agree with everything you say, but the main points I'm with you 100%. You writing style is entertaining as well.👌

Thank you for saying so. I appreciate that.