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RE: Freedom via Playing Politics? Debate Time

in #anarchy7 years ago

Ok, if that is how you feel. I get that always, guessing it's me. Anyway, hope you don't mind if I just go ahead and express my philosophy.

I'm a human being. I have a right to live. To say there is any rightful authority over me is tantamount to saying my rights are less than what others have which in my humble opinion is a non-starter in the logic department.

"The only true law is that which leads to freedom." ~ Jonathan Livingston Seagull

What could that law possibly be? A law that leads to freedom?

-You can't infringe on another person's unalienable rights.- What scenario could not be adjudicated by that simple principle.

And as long as you don't do that, there is no rightful force that can be used against you.

There can be no crime without a victim.

We are sovereign and complete unto ourselves, we are our own government.

no questions for you because of what you said but I do wonder what label you'd give a person who believes in the above.

labels are divisive, violence, "the greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation". There is only one thing that can save us and that is solidarity. "We all hang together..." - "United we stand..." - some truth there imho

"in the end, only kindness matters" ~ Jewel