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RE: Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain

in #anarchy7 years ago

Whoa there bruddha! Very much enjoyed reading this, and as someone who has little to no academic knowledge of this/these topics I learned a lot. .

It will take me a few times of reading over to grasp many of the concepts (re-steemed). . .

But I really appreciate your ideas around land ownership, and how they may be extrapolated. It is very much how I feel. . and not only appreciate where you are coming from in your connection to Earth and all its inhabitants, but also recognize this often:

What about when those owners die, and pass the land on to their children? What happens to the people whose parents didn't own land, when all the land is already owned? At some point, there would be no "unused" land left, and everyone who didn't already "own" some would have a massive hurdle to overcome in ever breaking through this ownership-based classism.

I feel we have actually reached that point, and often when I speak with people even from the even just the generation before myself there seems to be a whole misconstrued perception of what remains "available".

Options of education and work they experienced all led to a reality that they (and it's actually a very small, yet "powerful", they, who have been developing under the defined constructs of an even smaller they) might be currently living, but that is not a reality for most of the world in the present.

An idea of "working hard to earn a living" is not the same as it was 100, 50, or even 20 years ago. And it might just come back to the idea of there being no "unused" land (resources and such) left.

If people would simply let go of their "right to possess" every single object in their life, then a lot would change.

Not trying to point any fingers and say an "it's them not me" type of thing, because I do recognize that All People are only doing their best with what they've got... this type of perspective sure would help a lot in the equalization of the planet though.

Will give a couple re-reads for sure! This was a major one from my first take.

All The Love!