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RE: "Religion" Of Libertarianism DEBUNKED! - Matt Lieb of AJ+ & Newsbroke DESTROYED By Josh Sigurdson!

in #anarchy6 years ago

Yeah the 16th amendment which is income tax is illegal , and was applied during the civil war for the purpose of paying for the war , and was never taken back off . Property taxes should be very low and dependent on G.N.P. And not personal wealth . But you live in fantasy when it comes to ZERO taxes . Nobody volunteers there wealth away . We need good constitutional cops , and well trained firefighters , and not some HACK who’s mommy told him he was special , and runs out there with a garden hose⁉️ Thats just canyland shit . Some taxes are needed , we just need to turn the spy industry on to the people working for us❗️We have to make working for us like 1984❗️Or worse❗️We need to make it so every E-mail , TEXT , phone call , and dollar is tracked . We need to impose the highest kind of COMMUNISM that we can muster on to THEM❗️They need to bow to us❗️The problem is that there is no accountability , and not that government exists at all . We here in the USA 🇺🇸 corporation land need to get rid of a lot of federal employees . We currently have close to 25 million employees⁉️ Thats just bloated government . And you CANADIANS 🇨🇦 Need to get rid of your parliamentary monarchy and your fucking queen before you all talk shit about freedom . 🤨 America just needs to go back to the constitution , and stop actions like a communist . Tweeking , not total destruction like you commies do . Stop the imperialist agendas , and secure its borders instead of invading others . Many of the problems can be fixed and I don’t believe its not doable . I think sheeple like you don’t want it , so you live in candyland thinking that by pure volunteering all will get done⁉️😆 Yeah , try studying human behavior first , and know that sheeple are NOT going to volunteer to pick up your trash , or put out a fire . Reality is that someone is going to have to get paid to do the most important jobs . You wouldn’t go to a plumber for a tooth ache⁉️🤨 The wanted destruction of America starts , and stops with the constitution . One of the most neutral documents ever written . The republic is the best way , and I often have to listen to communist like you talk SHIT while living under a muppet ruler who serves at the mercy of the QUEEN🇬🇧❗️🤦‍♂️ Really take a look in the mirror . Being involved is not enough . Anarchy won’t work just like volunteering won’t work , and I don’t support the current form , but this current form is corrupted , so a clear version doesn’t have a working model to show . But your model doesn’t work under the best of conditions , so I have to wonder who set you up to promote such crap❓😂 Get rid of all income taxes , and stop funding false flag wars in my model I have an 8.9 G.D.P. And less then %3 unemployment , and thats because they don’t have to work . When people have more of their own money , and are not penalized to save , they spend more . Its just simple economical mechanics . We have to get rid of the overhead , and in this instance that would be the 25 million federal employees‼️ That we only need 1 million to do the job . We can replace many of them with robots❗️Its big government thats killing us , and not because we have government . I believe in the ultimate freedom , but i also know that sheeple can be IDIOTS . And I’m not going to pretend that all people are good . Thats just a stupid way of living with the most dangerous animal on this planet = MANKIND❗️