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RE: The Goal: To End Slavery, An Introduction...

in #anarchy7 years ago

Your video is excellent information for the masses of people who have no clue as to how life should work. I am assuming you are from the USA, the declaration of independence for the united States of America is an endorsement of natural law by protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The very first paragraph spells it out very clearly. More Americans need to go back and read it every 4th of July , instead of just going and watching a fireworks display and BBQ'ing
Anarchy has been portrayed by the media as something bad or dangerous when the founders of this country were in fact anarchists and we owe it to them to work to restore this country back to the original principals it was founded on. Your explanation of the term was what more people need to learn, the truth, but the truth has been hidden from the people. The government education system is nothing more than an indoctrination camp to brain wash young minds into accepting slavery disguised as freedom.
I am truly happy for you that you have been able to discover and break free from the mind control and are working to expose the truth.
I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Until next time,