Gangstalking: An Overview

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Though this probably won't reach a very wide audience, I want to raise awareness about this disturbing practice. Many of you know me by my advice articles, poetry, ect. You may not know, buried in the first few posts on my blog, is the real life encounter I had with gangstalking. The idea of organized stalking may be hard for you to comprehend, so I want to lay out some information.

What is gangstalking?
Gang stalking is organized harassment. It's a psychological attack that can destroy an individual, while at the same time leaving little to no evidence that would incriminate the stalkers. It has become more widespread over time and nearly nothing can stop it. As our freedoms continue to erode, it will get worse.

Who are they?
I have not been able to pinpoint who they are because I've seen them from all walks of life. I think a target is identified from a high rank, and other groups are free to piggyback on the prey. Look up cointelpro. It has changed since then but it's still around.

Who are the targets?

  • Whistleblowers: someone who is naturally prone to whistleblowing may become a target, whether it be after speaking out against the government or a large corporation.
  • Outcasts and loners: One who has already severed their ties with the community and humanity at large is an easy target, because they often speak of the evils of a large group, and they are already isolated.
  • Idealists, dreamers, and empaths: These delicate souls are very sensitive to changes in their environment, and they will notice things that others don't look twice at. Gangstalking tactics can cause them to over analyze, and the hatred will cause much distress.
  • Women are often targets. This is a statistical truth.
  • The mentally Ill: Now it may seem to you that if one is mentally Ill, the experience of gangstalking may be contrived, but this makes them perfect victims, as it's unlikely they will be taken seriously. Veterans with PTSD and autistic persons are not excluded from being targeted.

What is their goal?
Gangstalking is a "soft kill." Any of these outcomes is ideal to the perpetrators.

  • To drive the victim crazy or make them look crazy
  • To silence, isolate or control the victim
  • To cause job loss and homelessness
  • To keep the target under constant surveillance
  • To cause the victim to become a vigilante
  • To cause suicide

What are their methods?

  • Aggressiveness from strangers in the community: such as death stares, whispering to one another, and hostile strangers shoving past.
  • Blantant hacking of one's devices: remote desktop hacking, hostile words in code up on the computer screen, no privacy. Knowing one's every move so as to know when to attack.
  • Hand signals: finger being drug across the throat, hand in the shape of a gun, the pumping of fists.
  • Driving aggressively or in ways that don't make sense: slowing down and watching while the victim is outside, repeatedly going around the block and staring, swerving around, repeatedly flicking headlights on and off, as well as noise attacks like strangers honking their horns at the person for no reason.
  • Never the same person twice, that's how they get away with it.

What to do: This is on record for anyone going through this.

  • Calling the police doesn't work. What are they going to do? When I called the sherrif, he said he was getting several calls about the same thing. He took my information and I never heard from him again.
  • Don't be scared, they are not going to physically hurt you. If you're afraid, they have the upper hand.
  • You can't stop it and this is my advice, they want a reaction, ignore them! Ignore, ignore, ignore, and they will back off by 90%. This is your first choice. That said, be brave and speak out, but when you're out and about, don't let it phase you. You can get through this!
  • The second choice? Continue to fight, continue to deliberate on who to confront, continue to notice every little thing they do to you. I guarantee, you will be miserable.

Thousands of Americans are coming forward with their own stories. When this started happening to me, I didn't even know there was a word for it. As crazy as it sounds, it's real, and it causes much damage. Here's my story:

Thanks for reading!
Love, snowpea ❤

First picture from Google images, second picture from Pixabay


I saw this headline and read it is gangsta-talking instead of gang-stalking. Definitely not the article I was expecting but still an important PSA to share.

Ha, gansta-talking? That made me chuckle! Different article, different day, different person my friend! Thanks for reading and upvoting anyway @fingolfin! :)

This is really creepy, I've never heard of "Gangstalking". How do they select a target? What is their goal? What's the point? What do they get from it? How do they arrange this sort of thing? Never the same person twice? Do they have a website or something to organize this? This is all totally new to me. @ironshield

@ironshield, thank you for your comment. I think the majority of Americans are in the dark about this. Some of these questions I think I answered to the best of my knowledge, and in other areas I am just as befuddled as you. To this day I don't know exactly what I did to garner such a heavy handed response. It's amazing how people can network these days. The following sources have crossed my mind: the government, the dark web, drug rings, fake militia, Trump supporters (although I like him more than Obama). Once a random person called me "red rooster." I honestly have a hard time putting all the pieces together, but I think they like it that way. Sorry if I sound insane, but that's the answer I have for you.

Sad to read that you too had to go through this. I unfortunately have a big shocking story to tell about being targeted .. It became that horrible that our baby daughter wasnt safe anymore due to the EMF weapons used constantly in our house.. I lived in constant fear and didnt feel safe anywhere anymore.. I will resteem this for you, upvote follows when I am on full power again :) Good to raise awareness, I am preparing to talk about this part too. But it was so much, so crazy, so scary I actually dont know where to start. I know due to research this is a problem many go through while they threaten to expose government corruption. This is exactly what we did and how it started. Long live the blockchain!

Thank you so much for your comment and support!! :) I'm not too familiar with the emf weapons you speak of. When you write your story, could you let me know by commenting on this or another post, so I can find it and support you too? More people need to come forward about these atrocities.

I am actually glad you did not experience that stage of gangstalking .. I would wish this to nobody except the people responsible for it! I will let you know.. I know it is still a subject many people do not take for being real .. unless you experienced this yourself (or parts of it) In Holland people certainly have no clue. I believe many people think they are going insane while dealing with this.. exactly what the purpose is.. please let me know too if you write more about it!

I had a friend in high school who was sort of a weird kid and a stranger randomly punched him in the face but maybe that was something different. I think what you are referring to is how people are just rude and mean to people who perceive as weak, my wife is a petite woman and people always make rude comments to her who would never say shit to me, a large man. A lot of it is your intentions too, if you are constantly thinking about this and projecting it into the universe that is what you will get back.

I see your reasoning, but if you read my story you will see it was more orchestrated than unconnected rude and mean people seeing weakness in me and acting on it. It was and is much more.

I was reading something about a fellow conducting research where he would take a criminal for a ride up the street and have him identify who he would victimize and multiple criminals would always independently choose the same people. People they perceived as weak for some reason.

I don't know. I think it's too easy to see everything as gang stalking once you have the idea planted in your head. Unfortunately, the more you research it, think about it, and write about it, the worse it gets. It's too easy to see someone scratch their neck and interpret it as a finger-across-the-throat threat.

Look at your list of targets. They are all groups that are statistically more likely to develop mental disorders or are people with legitimate reasons to be paranoid.

What possible reason could there be for an organized group to spend its time, money, energy, and resources simply to mess with your head? Billions of people are anti-communist, why would your Pinterest activity be worth the VAST amount of resources required for gang stalking?

Even if your stalkers were only being paid $5 per hour, the costs would be astronomical. Why are you worth that expense? Wouldn't those resources be better spent attacking a target that is actually making a difference in the world, like Jordan Peterson? Why spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to harass some random mom? It doesn't add up.

Best of luck to you. I think you're right when you say that the best thing to do is to ignore them.

I understand your reasoning is logical, and what happened to me is not. I admit that when it started happening, my consciousness toward my surroundings blew wide open, I might have read into some of it, but that doesn't mean much of it wasn't real.

I don't hallucinate. I saw the big cursor on my screen. I saw the hostile words on the computer. I saw the woman slow down, look straight at me, and make a cutting motion across her neck. Can you explain why my computers were destroyed when we tried to secure them? Can you explain why I can no longer have the option of editing my description on Pinterest? This happened abruptly when I started playing around with what I would say to warn people.

The government wastes money all the time. Not too long ago, they spent 2 million dollars just to have wives nag their husbands to quit chewing tobacco.
Since this has been done before throughout history, in other countries, and since I have to assume your smart enough to know that the mass surveillance done by corporations and the NSA isn't just to advertise to us or combat terrorism, (btw was MKUltra or cointelpro really necessary? These are not conspiracy theories, they are well documented and declassified) why wouldn't a study be done seeing how people react to such turmoil. I don't even know why they did it, but it's a theory I have, and it doesn't really bother me that you don't believe me. Just giving you some things to think about. :)

I'm torn because I do believe that you are convinced of what happened to you. It must be terrifying to go through and it must also be horrible to hear people dismiss it as mental illness or something along those lines. If you are being gang stalked, I don't want to simply dismiss it. And if you are/were having paranoid delusions, I don't want to exacerbate your situation.

I believe it's possible for ideas to get planted and that they can bear harmful fruit. I believe that the people in Papua New Guinea actually believe in the sorcery that they are killing each other over. I can imagine strange things happening to them, and they only see it as more "proof" of sorcery existing. I wonder if they would see the acts of "sorcery" as proof of gang stalking if only they were aware of gang stalking.

We all seek explanations for the unexplainable events that happen in our lives. I wonder if a deeply religious Christian would have seen your experiences as proof of God or Satan. Or if a person that believes in sorcery would have seen your experiences as proof of being cursed.

I could very well be wrong here. I don't think you were lying or being deceitful with your accounts of gang stalking. I just think that there is a possibility for explanations other than gang stalking. Maybe I'm simply using a different lens to see the world through because the idea of gang stalking is so disturbing.

Regardless, I do wish you the best. You are correct that the government has spent crazy amounts of money on silly and/or harmful programs. My argument for how infeasible a gang stalking program would be doesn't hold up.

A great post !

Straight out of the socialist's handbook...

High IQ manipulators, and low IQ useful idiots...

You're exactly right! Thank you for bringing this up!! :) Out of all the possible explanations, this is was what stood out as the most plausible.

This is one reason PI's exist. They will work on a person's behalf without a criminal complaint. Even if the police have one, they may still be ordered to ignore it. They may not care either. It is no surprise that they tend to focus on arrests that net them the most money as well.

You bring up some very valid points. If I could've afforded it when the situation was thick, I may have hired one. I see you are a private investigator! That must be very rewarding! Have you ever taken cases like this?

I have not but I would welcome helping a friend if the situation ever happened to them. As PI's we are basically immune to stalking laws, so we can definitely help out in situations when someone is being gang stalked or intimidated. Yes, it would be expensive to hire a PI out of the blue, but having one in your local network of friends helps. :) The main "problem" in that regard though is that PI's are licensed by state, so I couldn't help much unless someone was in Virginia.

Thank you for this post. I heard of this before, it must be really awful, especially if the people you trust , don't believe you, turn away. I hope you have recoverd and are o.k. now.

I will resteem. And follow you.

I'm thankful because they have no impact on my life anymore. It's been a few years since it started and I have become immune to it. Thank you so much for your support!! :)

Yeah, seen it before. It seems to be some people just like to see others suffer and they self organize in dark places.

Wow... I had no idea this was even a thing...

How about humor? Would laughing at and ridiculing the aggressor work? That would be my natural way to handle something like that, after the initial shock of the situation. Laugh and mock the person...

Interesting post, thanks!

I've gone through every emotion with these asshats lol. Rage, indifference, scared and walking on eggshells trying to please them, hysterical laughter... they have backed off quite a bit, I don't think they got what they wanted out of me...that said, just yesterday I was stopped at a stop sign waiting for a car to pass and and the person driving past me honked his horn at me 3 times. Ignoring is the best way I have learned to deal with it...

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woi really cool, I hope you can vote me and I invite you to come to me to vote have me!! Awesome upvote?

Thanks for introducing us gangstalking i never heard about gangstalker in the past. In my opinion gangstalkers are psychological disorder who want to see a happy and peaceful World around. Thanks for sharing
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