Seeds of Liberty Ep 71 - Steemit or bust ft Jeff Berwick.

in #anarchy8 years ago

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Jeff Berwick, of The Dollar Vigilante, and we had Bodhi Agora sitting in for Danilo. Herein we discussed the beginning of the Dollar Vigilante, “The Creature From Jekyll Island”, the horrors of central banking, the inevitable collapse of the U.S. dollar, Hillary Clinton and the CFR, Trump: the anti-war candidate, negative interest rates, steemit, and more!

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Peace and Voluntaryism


Enjoyed the show guys! Need more steemit/steem segments covering your discovery of the steemit platform and steem blockchain.


If steem keeps growing I'm sure it will come up a lot. Thanks for listening. -Dave

Really good interview. Lines up nicely with a piece I'm working on re: the Fed

Seriously fuck the fed. Central Banking is Terrorism. -Dave

Love the podcast. Thanks for introducing me to steemit. I'm excited about this platform.

Loved this conversation. I'm working on a novel right now, Galloglass, (actually a series) that will illustrate the role of a central bank. It starts in the 12th Century, narrowing in on the tiny war between England's King John (Hugh de Lacy fights it for him) and John de Courcy in Ireland - a war precipitated by de Courcy's minting his own coins. It's a pivotal moment in history that can show rather than tell the problems associated with money creation. I want to move the story forward several hundred years to the establishment of the English central bank in the 1600s. You're right - they don't teach this stuff in schools (I'm also the author of Cost Benefit Jr. - an economics textbook for elementary-aged kids) but I'm not even sure a class on central banking would get the info across as well as a story, showing the impetus behind a central bank's creation, what its purposes are, etc.

I'm toying around right now with perhaps changing the novel/series title away from Galloglass (which is a term for mercenary) and using something related to DeCourcy's coin instead. But we'll see. Good job on this podcast guys - more people need to hear this stuff.

it truly is the greatest scam played on humanity ever.