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RE: Our Culture Of Consumerism Is Enslaving Us

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

This is probably the best post I have found interesting so far, about the money issues. It seems that the more money someone makes, the deeper they sink in the world of "must haves". We live in a very competitive society, where people feel they need to have better things than their neighbor or friends. They put themselves in debt just to afford that brand new car or Coach purse. People should be ok with what they wear, drive or whatever they own, without feeling they "need" brand name things. Every year, parents are pushed to buy brand new clothes (top brands) for their kids. I was one of them, until I asked myself why. If the clothes are still in almost new condition and still fit, why buy all new clothes? I am also speaking from personal xp about debt. I used to buy whatever fit my fancy and never worried about the outcome it would cause. I bought top brand everything. Until I found myself jobless and a big debt to pay off. Now I am known to my friends as a penny pincher. I drive a 16 yr old car and love it because it's paid for. If there were not so many ads pushing consumers to buy the latest things, we might actually fill the hole that we are digging.