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RE: Welcome to the machine

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

It hurts me a lot to admit that unfortunately he is absolutely right, and there are some very famous words of our liberating father who said, "They have dominated us more by ignorance than by force." Ignorance is getting bigger every day. With the poverty and hunger that we are going through, there are people who say "no matter the hunger or the needs, in order to defend the revolution" Anyone from another country who reads about what happens daily here, thinks or that we are masochists or that we are a poor people, Venezuela is categorized as the State with the most violence, sends police and military operations to popular areas that end in a large number of extrajudicial executions, that pattern of arbitrariness and harassment has been transferred to the political crisis, Government officials arbitrarily raid homes and attack them looking for people who think they are related to demonstrations. "The persecutions they are the order of the day, human rights are violated, we are forbidden to speak about the reality of this nefarious government. It is very hard what we are living. we are still fighting, god let us know that sooner or later we are the news that we are free. Many greetings thank you for all your support towards me. @ brimax


Thanks for getting this message out!