How to achieve total freedom - one small step at a time

in #anarchy9 years ago

How to achieve total freedom - one small step at a time


Among Anarchists, there is a great deal of discussion about how to best achieve a free society, without government (or the state, as a monopoly on the initiation of violence).

Now the problem is, the state is not like a single chain, that once we break it, we are free. No. We are more like Gulliver that is tied up with 100 small ropes, by 1000 little people.


And not only we are tied up by threats of violence, but also our own ignorance.

Let me explain.

Even the smallest government in the most free society, monopolizes security (police and military) and conflict resolution (courts).

Then only those who are licensed with the state, and whose profession is providing security and conflict resolution is allowed to practice these skills. In most countries around the world, you cannot get a decent security education out of police and military force, or private security if that is allowed.

However, police and military cannot be everywhere. Because they are generally less than %1 of the population. Even in times of extreme conflict, like the American Independence war, the armed people were never more than %3 of the population (hence %3 movement today).

Therefore %97-99 of people are left with little to no knowledge, no training about a threat of violence. Self defense, threat awareness, non violent communication and similar topics are not a part of most public school systems.

Therefore most people end up feeling insecure if government ever collapses. They look up to government as "the protector".

Same with conflict resolution. Less than %1 (more like %0.1) of population gets any education around conflict resolution, arbitration etc. And that is only provided to government licensed lawyers and judges and such.

The vast majority of the population have little to no skills for resolving any conflict. Therefore they get dependent on government for conflict resolution.

The thing is, monopolies do not work. As long as the state is a forced monopoly, there is absolutely 0 incentive to provide better service at a reduced cost. In fact, monopolies provide opposite incentives: To provide less quality service at higher prices.

Here, one private security company has the right idea, and they did a better job at security than the police, in Detroit:

And it doesn't stop there either. The more government controls everything, the more population becomes dependent on government for everything.

Wherever there are public schools, people do not become independent critical thinkers, but become obedient workers and soldiers.

Carlin stated it masterfully:

Then comes industry controls. The more governments control (legislate) food production, the more you get Monsanto style big agro companies, and small family farmers go bankrupt.

Almost anything a homesteader or "pioneers" of America used to do, are now considered "potential terrorist".

See this lovely list of 72 different types of americans, who are now considered to be a potential terrorist.

Isn't it amazing that, producing your own food, stocking more than a week's worth of food, being prepared for any kind of disasters, are now considered a crime?

Anyway, so what is the solution? How will we go from now, the slavery we are born in, to a free society?

Simple: Start taking small direct actions towards fulfilling your own needs.

Are you worried about Monsanto, GMO's, industrial monoculture, and all the environmental damage it makes? Go start planting some food today. Even if it is one root of tomatoes that you grow in a pot in the balcony.

Are you worried about police getting abusive? Educate yourself about self defense, start a neighborhood watch, and be less dependent on government for security.

Are you worried about courts being unjust? Learn more about conflict resolution, and voluntary methods, including common law courts, mediation, consensus decision making and similar topics.

Are you worried about education quality getting worse? Educate your kids through home schooling or unschooling or open source education. Google the terms, if they are new to you.

The more people take small actions towards being more free and independent, the more free the whole society and the world will be.

Are you worried about fiat money, central banks, fractional reserve, and all that scam? Start using gold, silver, bitcoins, steem, barter. Develop some marketable skills.

Are you worried about news networks being biased? Go search online for independent media and journalist sources.

Basically stop thinking "government must do something" about every single problem you have. Instead take direct action to solve your own problems. And then, lead others by example.


I agree. Change yourself and you will change the world. Lead by example.
I'd add that developing one's own mind and spirit is perhaps the biggest change we can make. Practice meditation; research Buddhism and other spiritual traditions. Discover that your mind is a powerful tool, and train it to shape the world around you!

Oh totally. Dominant/submissive relationship is about brain imbalances. There is no freedom before we do our "inner work". I had a previous post about that too. I meditate regularly.

This is good, people need to understand these concepts. There are too many anarchists who are talking but not acting in their everyday lives.

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