Changes to Canada's National Anthem...oh barf!

in #anarchy7 years ago

This is my first post. As a Canadian I feel compelled to speak out about how our country has gone overboard (as in: off the deep-end) when it comes to being politically correct. I remember back in the day we were hesitant to say the words "Merry Christmas" for fear of offending non-Christians. And remember the "Holiday Tree..." don't get me started! It was actually non-Christians who spoke out and basically said, "Come on, now. We all know it's a Christmas tree. No need to change that. We appreciate the sentiment conveyed in "Merry Christmas." You're not offending anyone." Except perhaps our elite government minions who must have nothing better to do than come up with these crazy ideas.
The latest in being PC is proposed changes to our national anthem... our National Anthem, folks! The line "in all thy son's command" is apparently non-inclusive to females not to mention anyone with a gender identity disorder (oh barf.) Let me state my view here as succinctly as possible: I do not in any way feel left out or excluded because the word "daughter" is not in the anthem. The word "sons" is SYMBOLIC. Remember high school English class? SYMBOLISM. METAPHOR. ALLEGORY. Most great literature, music, art, poetry, even the BIBLE is based on SYMBOLISM. It is a recent development of the modern era to take everything so literally that the true, and often beautiful, deeper meaning is lost.
So I ask the Canadian government to stop trying to please everyone. Some things deserve to be left alone. In trying so hard to please everyone, eventually we please no one.


I don't think too many people would actually accept and sing the new version.