Why pay rent guy's?!
Yesterday I went up to "Tom's Cabin" which is just a few minutes walk from this one, because I lent a hand saw to use and it was brand spanking new and I need it now. We don't even have a name yet for this squat were weve been since July, so far it's just been called "The Cabin" - quite boring in comparison. It's called Tom's Cabin because a friend of a friend came to visit in October I think it was, and we showed him this empty cabin that he could use - his name was Tom. Half of it is in a bad shape due to a collapse around the chimney stack, but he actually sorted it out very nicely and blocked the mess off with a wall. When I first went inside, it was just like walking into a time machine and going back 30 years. There was everything there from a sofa and a table with 4 chairs, a bedroom with beds and a huge lounge, and a huge whole in the floor by the part that lead to the long thin kitchen. I could see that a few years ago someone had tried to repair it but gave up, and then water and what seemed to be ant's had eaten away at the wood and made it cave in.
There are no pictures of how it looked before but I had the camera on me and took some photos yesterday
You can't even see these steps and it's right on a busy road. Like many empty places, the road there now was constructed and got bigger and then the cabins had suddenly a new road with fast modern cars at their gateway with no place to park and no pathway access.
I really like this one, it has a 2 level terrace also with room to have a Bbq Grill.
If you wanted a place to live for free, then with say around 300usd for wood and whatever the repair needs, it can be repaired and then get some solar panels and a good battery. There is most likely a well there also somewhere in the small jungle. When it was winter, you couldn't really get up to the door because the snow was so deep and the steps were not visible. Tom chickened out and left his bike here that he had traveled up on from France, and said he would be back in summer. We haven't heard anything from him as he doesn't use any forms of technology. Who knows where the wind took him..
Here's the lower terrace which leads to a flat open part Left- And the upper terrace on the same level as the cabin Right

Some more modern windows and a wall repair of fresh modern render and the place would be great..
This is really cool..
These Above are "Cabin Rules" which I find really cool. It say's the rules are for everyone and so the cabin must be for everyone as well. I do hope someday to repair it but also a mate might move in a his bored of living the norm.
This is the part made livable and cleaned up by Tom, The walkway to the kitchen is to the left of the wood burner and the wall is there now. The orange funky looking thing on the wall is covering the doorway to a bedroom, which (Below) had inside a bed which we recycled and have it here, and the old T.v is still there as it was when it was last in use..
I sat on the bed and smoked a joint - its a real nice and peaceful place because the huge overgrown trees block the sound from the road.. here's how you have some idea of when somebody was last using a property..
This is Strawberry Jam - Look at the date!

I'm a huge believer and do-er of freedom, and these are the days where we really need to decide what side of the fence we want to be standing on! I know what side I want because im there already!
There's also another big empty house and the window has been smashed since a while. In the winter time you see there is sometimes a light on up in the attic, but its empty since years! Sometimes its on and sometimes it not, but the whole winter there were no foot prints in the snow but even then we were thinking that someone was occupying it. 2 days ago I went there and climbed in through the smashed window and went to look around. The place is huge, mail dating from 2006, and its a right mess in there. Butter in the fridge also was dated 2006. There was no light on up in the attic, but there was one light which did turn on with a flick of the switch , which is quiet freaky. Oh - now I come to think of it, before winter when we checked it out for Tom, there was a barrel trolley that you could see through the front door. I left by the front door and left it unlocked in case any traveler's I meet are looking for a place to stay for free, and I just remember now that I'm sure that was gone..Maybe I should leave a hunting camera there and see if the owner does show up now and then but just not in winter. I'm jealous as it has electric still, that is a great place to occupy!
Big Love and Abundance People!

And the recent post's
- SmartPhone's And Stupid People
- SmartPhone's &Physical Stress On The Body
- The Land-Pirate Lifestyle - Recycling\Upcycling Loot in a Rich Country.
- The worst example of mass food waste
- Another New Steemian! The One, The Only @docbud from 420 Mag.com!
- Proton VPN, It's Free and Simple - Perfect for Us Beginners!

Sounds like the start of a haunted house movie.... Especially with no footprints the snow.
Its also a creepy looking house 😂 ill go back in a few weeks and see if the door is still open, if its locked again then there is an owner,or a ghost 😊
How about your personal security? Aren't you scared of shacking up all alone in that small jungle? I suggest you set a few booby-traps around the property to keep off criminals. As for ghosts...just got to deal with them Lol!
Ah i have a pitbull cross who is trained to scare the shit out of people if needed 😂 but anyway im in Norway, not much happens here,theres more wolves than thieves lol