When I think of anarcho-capitalists I conjure in my mind a group of people who are very self-responsible individuals. They see the crap going on in the world and they simply are saying, " Screw that, we'll take care of ourselves." While on the other hand we see the ugly head of "Equality, Fraternity, Liberty" rearing it's head again among the common people, and they go the other direction toward a paternal government. And then of course, those in the middle, while usually very responsible and doing the best they can are, nevertheless, trapped in a system that abuses them.
I agree with you, we all have the capacity and the free will to choose. However in our unique earth school evil finds its way into the hearts and minds of the Elite and equally so in those who suck at the teat of government. That's evil too in that it destroys ones self responsibility and independence and diminishes their ability to take care of themselves.
It seems that Steemit is a microcosm of the world to some degree. The least responsible or capable fall to the side, while those who cooperatively engage with each other move on and up.
Ultimately, in my opinion, there must be a transformation into higher levels of consciousness which includes greater self-love and love for others. The question is How will that happen? Having dealt with many clients in the past who were on the path of transformation, this usually came about as a result of some serious challenges, either in marriage, or career, or health, or addictions. It was the great challenge that moved them to change. Will it be the same for humanity as well? Apparently last century with it's wars and 200 million deaths from revolution and war was not enough to motivate people to change. What will it take? Or are the Christians right: Christ will come and toast the wicked, while the Believers will move on to a thousand years of paradise.
It is the ability to feel and to listen to real feelings that motivates change. Many people are disconnected from their feelings and thus no amount of triggering seems to reach them. That's the core issue here. Once emotional processing is given wider acceptance, the situation will change quickly.