Yep, whenever I am getting violated by an institution of coercion I always wish there was a larger institution of coercion(in order to coerce the first back under control).
When people ask me what the solution is to all the coercion in our culture I always answer, "more coercion".
It's what works.
it's called checks and balances, should the feds get out of control then you can perhaps achieve relief from your state, you can't fight city hall, not alone.
It is difficult for me to get to Dc to stop corruption but my state capital is easier. Yes this is a local problem and it should be handled there. To the person that suggested that the federal government might help, when has that ever worked? The feds just back up the local cops. They would say to his fiance "you should have had your papers." Government will always take the side of government. If we were dealing with local government alone they would not feel the power that backs them from being supported by a corrupt immoral system. Then maybe the police could get back to helping people rather than being another tactic of government to intimidate and collect fees.
when has that ever worked?
like all the time! People win in federal courts frequently against their state and local governments and have unconstitutional laws overturned. Who won in McDonald v Chicago?
Citizens United v the FEC?
Heller v DC?
I mispoke, I should have said, it seldom works. Again government protects government. Cop protects cop. No not every cop is bad but I certainly trust my local cop more than the FBI. If you do than you are choosing to be ignorant. The farther we get away from the individual the farther we are from them being held accountable.
I don't trust any cops.
Isn't it time we formed a WELL REGULATED MILITIA via the Deputiz'm Plan? ...or shall we just continue whining the victimizedBlues while swimming like fish in a barrel?

I'm not whining, doing dandy, in fact I am focused on helping others to help themselves today