
Thanks :) Right now I'm writing an app that connects to Steem as open source. But I've always had the dream of running a huge tech company. I got a few ideas, and still learning. I figured the best thing would be is to just work on ideas as a individual. Try to make them as great as possible and then convert into a corporation once things are more ready to be monetized.

I've also been thinking of running for congress in 2 years when I'd be old enough. I just feel things are really broken in the world and this country. Really depresses me if I think too much into it and kills all my motivation. I just really wish there was a good way to fix this problem. Sadly I doubt a poor kid in Ohio would even really have a chance at winning any position in gov.

Curious, what kind of corporation do you or did run? Anything tech related?

Real Estate Corporation. I did a C-Corp... but, later I realized I should have filed for an S-Corp due to the easier tax prep. Oh well... live an learn. My next corp will be a distributed autonomous corporation. I'm a huge Bitcoin fan!

Don't think I've heard of autonomous corporations before. Something for me to Google. Real estate sounds interesting, I think owning an apartment complex would be cool if you were good at it. Recurring passive income, and hire someone to manage each complex.