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RE: Free Society - The rule of law and justice

in #anarchy9 years ago

Great post! Here in the States we are experiencing the collapse of our system under the weight of too many laws. Laws must be simple and few to be effective. As you point out, corrupt leaders subvert justice, In the state of Oklahoma, where I live, we have collected more than enough signatures to put a ballot measure in place to vote on the legalization of medical marijuana, but our state Attorney General would have it his way and will not allow this ballot measure to be put to a vote. As long as justice is subverted, people grow more frustrated and more and more are beginning to see that our rule "Of the People, By the People, and For the People" has become a slogan that is meaningless in every day life. Keep dreaming brother, already, platforms like Steemit are building the future we long to see in small ways that bridge continents, as evidenced by this post and my comment!


Great comment! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment :) I would love if there could be a way to form a country without borders , across continents and across current nations. Would be difficult to enforce and manage, but I would be one of the first to opt in as @prufarchy mentioned above. @dollarvilgilante mention in one of his posts, that he was born into Canada, and somebody decided that he should pay half of all the money he earned for the rest of his life as tax.

My problem is that I would've loved to have those kind of problems. At least the tax paid in the States and Canada and first world countries are mostly applied to improve the nations infrastructure etc. I was born into a country, when there was still apartheid, which I had nothing to do with, and did not support. Now 22 years later we sit with things like BEE issues, where the government are forcing the previously disadvantaged into position of power to run the country and corporate entities. Reality is that any 22 year old with no work experience, or even a degree, will find it easier to find a good position in this country. In comparison I have 25 years experience in my role, of which the last 5 years are in an executive position. I also have 7 years international experience, which I spend in corporate entities in Europe. The problem here is that the government is turning a blind eye to what is actually happening because of something that ended 2 decades ago!

I will write a post about what is really happening in South Africa these days. Anyway , enough of my issues. Thanks for your comment and following you!

No, the VAST majority of our wealth is used to blow shit up and kill people we personally have no gripe against. Then, it goes to prop up corporations too greedy and incompetent to stay in business. While there is definitely an economy of scale, we don't get nearly the benefit socially from our tax wealth that we should. I understand that we still maintain a higher standard of living than most and we are very blessed to be in that position, but we experience nearly the same issues as everywhere else, ours is just more civilized. Why would our govt need bribes when there are licenses, permits, fees, fines and layers of taxes? The beauty of a stateless world is that "enforcement" wouldn't even be necessary, so long as we maintained the voluntary aspects. Local enforcement of actual crimes against actual individuals (not the state or a corporation) could be dealt with on a regional basis.

I guess it is the same everywhere. Governments are corrupt. Dude I love this platform. I am learning everyday, and as somebody recently commented on one of my posts.

Freedom = Voluntarism

If you don't have the choice to not participate, you don't really have freedom, you may have choices, but you are a prisoner of the state in a very real sense.

That's the hardest part for people to accept, and until they do, they aren't able to hear anything else. It all starts with understanding what markmorrisjr just said.

if you don't have the choice to not participate, you don't really have freedom...

if I wanted to peacefully live my life away from the monster of empire, men in uniforms would eventually come for me to drag me back and cage me. That I'm "encouraged" to "vote" on who will be my jailor does not ease my sentence. We were never asked if we wanted to finance this abstract, corrupt social contract.

@prufarchy and @markrmorrisjr thank you for the great insight. Following both of you now.