the most powerful military / economy in the world by orders of magnitude.
It still is. By orders of magnitude. So nothing has changed here making the "again" part make no sense by this argument.
But yes, if you want to argue people think "Great" means to dominate the rest of the world, well, the U.S. has been doing that for quite some time as I explained in my post. Personally, I think it's disgraceful and immoral, not something a moral person should be proud of, IMO. And yes, I get that not everyone has the same perspectives on morality.
Well, as far as the "again" goes and as far as the perspective of dominating the globe goes, you're implying that motivation.
From what I can interpret, the "again" in President Trumps mind has to do with reversing the capitulation to globalist dictates that sought to pick the bones of the United States clean before conforming it into the rest of the global mass of stateless humanity, but under the control of those who picked the bones clean in the first place.
That is not "great". That is being consumed by a predator, of which there is no shortage of in positions of power, both in front of and behind curtains.
Individual liberty to the max is "great". As is a rule of law that everyone agrees upon. Each of these things appear to be on President Trumps agenda, both in word and deed.