I want to answer your from the European side of life ....
the freedom aspect looks very important to you. But think about this:
the freedom ends when the negative aspects for the others are bigger than the individuality....
Think also on the war on drugs! On one side there are very restrictive laws again many drugs ( no freedom!) on the other side thousands of people are killed indirectly by the pharma industry (oxycodon, fenatyl...)
Next theme: USA is the biggest porno producer in the world.....
Nude Persons are not allowed in media or even in your own garden...
This is very contradictionary for me.....
The "firearm-related deaths" statistic does not seem to exclude suicides. According to the CDC, in 2014, there were 21,386 suicides by firearm compared to 11,008 homicides. That's two out of three deaths by firearm being self-inflicted.
Do we believe that all of these suicidal peoples' lives would have been saved if they had no access to firearms? That they wouldn't have just found another way to end their lives?
No your freedom ends where another's begins. It's only logical. Drawing the line anywhere else is prone to the arbitrary whims of the line-drawer.
This is why all government action is immoral. They operate s owners who get to choose what rights you have, if any. And then use violence against you if you choose to ignore their arbitrary decrees.
And America isn't the only country with a gun violence problem. And it isn't proven that gun control works at all. There are plenty of countries with strict gun control that still see a lot of gun violence. There are also countries with loose gun control laws that don't see much gun violence.
Take Canada as an example. It's pretty easy to get a gun here, and the number of guns per capita is the 10th highest in the world, but there isn't a whole lot of gun violence compared to the US. Let's compare that to England, a country with very strict gun control ranked 82nd in the world in guns per capita, but they see more gun violence there per capita than Canada.
It isn't a gun problem. It isn't a law problem. It's a culture problem. And using the violence of government to try and solve it won't fix anything.