No One Stole Your Job

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

(Once again, this impromptu rant may be very brief and off-the-cuff, but it needed saying.)

There is no such thing as "shipping jobs overseas." "Jobs" aren't a thing. You can't ship them anywhere. You can't own a "job," and no one can "steal" a job from you. A "job" just means that someone has decided to trade money for your services. It doesn't mean they have any obligation to keep doing so.

People who have chosen to trade with you in the past can decide to trade with someone else instead. While this may be inconvenient for you, this is not an act of aggression against you. It doesn't make you a victim of anything. You have no right to a "job," any more than the local convenience store has some right to have you buy lunch from them.

Speaking of which, unless you go out of your way to spend more money on inferior products and services, it is hypocritical to whine about anyone else looking for a better deal somewhere else. If someone in Mexico or China can do what you do, at a lower price and/or higher quality, then people should trade with them instead of you. And if you want the force of "government" used to prevent that, for your benefit but to the detriment of everyone else, you're an immoral twit.

Nuff said.


Jobs are created and lost everyday. It's the ones that do not improve and have a scarcity mindset that ultimately remain jobless. If you lose your job, learn a new skill. If you don't like your job, build your own job by working for yourself.
Of course, first of all get the government out. I'm still mad that I paid $3 in taxes today ONLY for my dog's food. Dog food... Really?

Not surprisingly, when we consider statism and it's reliance on propaganda, economics has been made unnecessarily complex. Thanks for cutting through all the bs Larken. Each individual should ask themselves if they have something of value to offer (how you know is if people will pay you for it). Do you believe in/enjoy offering that something of value (how you know is if you look forward to doing it)? If the answer to either of these is negative train/educate yourself until the answers are positive. Once achieved, assist anyone attempting same.

Immoral twits can't compete in a free market, so they beg Daddy Govt to save them from competition.

Good points, good points....but THEY TOOK ARE JERBS!!!!!!!! When the game is rigged should we complain about the unfairness of a certain sector? If we fix all these problems at their root then these "problems" aren't problems anymore. If you want to root for your team I mean nation you won't see the real picture. Root for mankind, all of mankind and do what you can do.

If you need the state to protect your job you're a statist. If the state is needed for you to keep your job I suggest finding a new career choice because your job is either worthless or your skills are not worth much.

Perfectly said! I think the majority of the British population should read this ! 💯🐒

Well people like you are trying to steal the jobs of people employed in honest money printing, for example. And the whole crypto community is at it.

Always loved the Heinlein quote

“There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years, the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary to the public interest. This strange doctrine is not supported by statute not common law. Neither individuals not corporations have any right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped, or turned back.”

But muh magical government borders transforming good trade on this side into evil if involving someone on the other side!

How to confuse a "Murica First!" doofus: Suggest that he should buy products from an American company based in a foreign country.

A decrease in worldwide poverty has come at the expense of the western middle class. I'm all for moving jobs to places eager to take them for less pay, but something needs to be done about the void left behind too.

Adapt, improve, progress. And, most importantly, get the damn "government" out of everything. A HUGE chunk of the "cost of living" is artificial and unnecessary, and comes from the "taxes" and "laws" of the parasite class.

I agree that would be ideal. So many arms of the government seem to have become nothing more than job programs. It's a very complex issue that needs to be tackled from all sides I think. What do you think should be done to offset job loss due to automation?

I'll chime in if I may .. automation brings more goods for less cost.. So get the damn "government" out of everything (lol) and the cost of living will fall and the people will receive the fruits of their labor. We will all work much less (if we choose) and live much better.

Dear @jamesc;

I need any help to stop @grumpycat hurting innocent people.
We have to show that Steemit is bigger than any bully who is trying to impose his own rules by using his high SP on innocent people.
The post below is the summary of the situation :
Thank you for any help to stop the actions of @grumpycat.

Best Regards.


I understand where you are coming from, and agree with all above.

However, I think it is the correct term for what happened.

Back in the 80s, banksters were calling up american corporations and offering them sweet-heart loan deals if they would move their manufacturing outside the states. At that time it was to mexico.

While they were doing this, they were also doing their best to get factory workers into 30 year mortgages.

So, the banksters were trying to screw over the working class, coming and going.

"They stole our jobs"?
The banksters sold you out! (but was it theft?)

What america needs is a lot more capitalism. People to start building trucks in their own back yards.

Upvoted! Concise and devastating!

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I agree with everything, if i was the owner of a business i would rather have the same work done cheaper, than pay more to have that work done...
The world is for the strong, not for the weak

I like the last part of this article "you're an immoral twit. Nuff said."

Thank you! This is likely one of the smartest pieces on the matter ive read lately. Our jobs go nowhere. Look and you will find one. There is a fit for everyone. Now im not saying i agree with "sweatshops" those facilities are an abomination and slavery as far as im concerned. Need a job? Get off your tush amd look for one! Not in your area? Move or keep looking! Start your own Business. The entitlement to things these days is stifling.

LOVE IT!!! I could not agree more!!!

I might point out that accounting for Our Human energy added into a system which accounts for Our Human energy added (and which moves the bulk of OUR planet's wealth to very Few psychopaths here - Our planet stolen from Us by the psychopaths in control through "trusts" - Unum Sanctum and the Cestui Que Vie "trusts" - and deceit) is the chains of wage/debt slavery.

The psychopaths in control have done all They could to hide and suppress free energy, not because it threatens oil (though that is one thing They would protect), but because it makes pointless the accounting for Human energy (money). And money is Their ONLY tool to widespread influence, being able to pay armies and strong arms to do Their dirty work - like bribing (buying patents and burying them), setting up blackmail scenarios, threatening, ruining, and killing inventors of free energy extraction methods. Without the accounting for Human energy, without money, They would have to do Their dirty work PERSONALLY.

With technology today, though some is hidden and suppressed, We could free Humanity to live lives filled with leisure and industry of interest. We ALL could pursue what We LOVE to do, as opposed to having to AFFORD it if We are lucky.

Please see My post, for more. (And other posts on My blog...)

Jobs come and go, and its dependent on so many circumstances that to presume they can "exist" for any length of time is to conflate what is virtual with what is real.

Would that the world actually did function as a free market. I suspect a lot of education will be necessary before such a solution can be achieved. Posts like this, and others under #voluntaryism are key to getting that information out, however.

A well laid out position @larkenrose , I hope it is as compelling as most of your insight has been.

Jobs suck anyway. Employees are essentially rented slaves. There is simply not enough work in the world to pay all the folks that want to rent themselves out for labor. Stop buying from slave owners and support local crafters, and ethical small businesses. Buy your food direct from farms, and boycott the business you feel are doing evil in the world. Than we won’t have to worry about our dollars leaving our towns, cities and countries.

People may choose to trade with someone in a country that has low wages instead of trading with you because their choices are limited by the amount of money that they have.

Taxation is one of the causes of unemployment. If the government takes money out of the economy and doesn't put enough back in through spending (such as when they have a budget surplus), then there isn't enough money circulating around for people to buy all of your goods/services/labour.

In light of this, I think it's fair to say that these people are victims.

Governments can raise minimum wages in one country and suppress them in another.

Jobs may not be actually stolen........but it looks a lot like it.