Cops Are Cowards

in #anarchy7 years ago

One more of my older videos (this one from November of 2014) that I think deserves to be on Dtube. If you have any examples of "law enforcers" doing anything brave and heroic, feel free to post links in comments here. If, on the other hand, your experience tends to indicate that cops are mostly just bullies and cowards, feel free to share that, too. Let's do a little study to see how much cops in REALITY match cops on TV and in the movies.

▶️ DTube

Yes I remember one law enforcer doing anything brave:
Edward Snowden

But he really is the only one I guess.......

And look where that got him.

I don't know if it applies for brave, but at least they did the right thing. In the height of my youth and in the worst fight with my mother, I did go after her most precious belongings - I set her wardrobe on fire. I did put it out rather fast and the damage wasn't too bad, but I freaked her out and she called the cops. We got driven to the police station and a very empathic female officer sat down with us. In my country they have to press charges even if the victim doesn't want to in most cases. But instead of doing that she really talked it through with us. What was the problem, why did I go so far and so on. In the end she said "You know in some families small things happen and it breaks everything, while in other families big things happen but it doesn't change anything". And that was really the case. She solved our problem like a counselor even though that wasn't her job. I still have the highest respect for that.

That's encouraging, but it's also worth pointing out, she did the right thing by NOT being a "law enforcer"--in fact, by not even doing her "job"--but by being a decent human being instead. (And, like you said, that was good, but not brave.)

Maybe. But maybe she was a better law enforcer by seeing when to enforce and when to help. But lets not get philosophical ;)

They're all cowards since the ones who aren't bullies don't speak out against the ones who are, and the ones who are bullies cowardly hide behind their shiny, magical badge.


Excellent point Larken. I've never seen a video of a "good apple" arresting a "bad apple". I've never seen it in my life. I actually want to see it now, because I just lost like five degrees of faith in humanity lol

Power does strange things to people. Not good!

I saw a cop here in Baltimore take a bullet shielding a woman from from gunfire. This city is a damned warzone though. I am sure if you hate them, you get shitty service. Given that they are the street level arm of bad government here, they are prone to being shitty. I think the reality of the situation is that things end in violence, and the police are little od no better at weilding force than the violent criminals. Given the mentality, I assume cops are violent but hopefully well meaning. Solution: privatize the police. I would much rather just pay a few bucks for service when needed.

you are 100% right sir @larkenrose thank for post by police

that is so cool.

Nice explanation. As long as police have the ability to conduct internal investigations of charges against officers alone, they are untrustworthy to me.

Ya you're right @larkenrose, i think its doesnt mean all cops are coward, but maybe there is a brave also. But actually not of them are brave like police tht i saw on movie.

I never had my own experience with cops, but i saw once in some place, when the police conducted a traffic raid on the highway driver, when a driver was not carrying the driving license or not wear a helmet and had to be on the ticket, when the driver called a higher-ranking person from that police, the ticket driver was released.

First of all, You are very entertaining :) :) :) i was just laughing the all time!!! second, unforgettably, you are right about cops being like the biggest ass hols!!! it actually feels like they have this sick competition WHO IS THE BIGGEST ASS HOLLL?!??!! And guess - They all win! :( :( :( i am sorry that you needed to deal with so much negativity in your life, its even worse when you are a lady :( But, you look very strong and positive laughing at them and that''s awesome!!! This is the first video of yours that i checked, i subscribed to your channel and will watch some more vids! Love your vibes :) !

Very interesting. I am from Scotland and what you are saying applies here too. I was being hassled in the street and on seeing a cop I asked for assistance. He asked for my details and on refusing and requesting him to help me he refused by saying that until I came to my senses and gave him all my details he would not help. It would appear that datamining is more important than protecting an individual who is in danger. God forbid they should involve themselves in a breach of the peace situation.

I always say it takes a special person to be a cop, there is some heavy karma in playing the game of seeing how many people you can put in cages. It's a problem when one has the authority of the judge, jury, and executioner. Very unfortunate that they've become what they have.

Very true. I personally have never seen a brave cop first have. But have come across a fair cop! He used to catch you smoking a joint (years ago) and say put the out an don't smoke it around me. He would turn up a free parties (raves) and watch for a bit say make sure you all gone by 9am. Once I even accidentally punched him two other cop pounced on me, he called them off pulled me aside and let me explain and sent me on my way! Unfortunately he died at 55 of a heart attacked. Locals line the streets in memory of him! Never met another though! 💯🐒

That's cool, but once again, notice that the main way in which he was good was by NOT doing his job, and NOT exercising his supposed "authority."

Totally agree! That one of the reason I move and stayed living in the countryside so I don't have cops prowling around all the time! 💯🐒

well, one thing I've learned. the more I don't like something, the more it doesn't like me. so I actually work to stay relatively neutral towards them.

world is a mirror ; )

Great minds think alike. Or, at least, I think similarly to a great mind, sometimes. LOL

Larken, I have been supporting you here on steemit as I agree with a lot of the logic that you use to explain some of your principles. However I have been hearing that you are having issues with Adam Kokesh and have been making statements about him while he is in jail. What is going on? If you feel strong about these statements would you care to post them here on steemit? Thank you, I am just trying to get all the facts out in the open.

Here is what I said, in public, which apparently triggered Adam's emotional outburst at me. I stand by exactly what I said, based on exactly what his campaign manager said (“We definitely raised enough money to get him out of jail today, and then at some point in the night, the decision was made, no lets donate that money that we raised to the LP, and lets stay on the DA and get them to drop the bond to zero” - Ben Farmer). The situation doesn't matter enough to be worth a Steemit article, and making more "movement" drama is pointless.

Thank you for that response I appreciate it and your honesty. However I have made a comment about this myself and it went something like this. Adam, or any body on his staff, did not ask for bail money. And if people just volunteered money for something that he did not want to use it for, then I think it would be up to him to use it for what he felt was a good cause (assuming that it was not easy to simply return the money). Well I am glad to hear that the issue was somewhat trivial. Thank you for all the good work that you do. I would like to suggest something: It would be nice to see more funny videos like the one you made about The Rules. I think humor is the best way to get deep issues through to people. Lol, There would be anarchy! Or freedom? Hmm. Good job and I love you guys! And its nice to see a lot of you guys here on steemit.