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RE: A Little Something For the Delusional Anarchists of Steemit

in #anarchy8 years ago

So let's just say you get to burn down all governmental structures in the United States. The same amount of people are still living on the land where the United States was, and no other country has taken the leap into anarchism with you. Tell me exactly what would replace the government. What would happen when there was a murder. Who would investigate to try and find the murderer. If someone broke into my house and raped my wife and beat me half to death, who would take me to the hospital. Who would catch her rapist. If, in this new society, a thousand people banded together and tried to govern Connecticut by force, how would those people be dislodged? What if Ebola came to this country and became a serious apademic. Who would develop a cure. Who would produce new drugs to fight cancer? Who would be checking to make sure led paint wasn't used in houses? What would happen if we were invaded by China, governe? as it is today? Who would educate your children if you were at work all day and couldn't afford a private school?


haha those are called services and guess what happens with services, people see the demand and create companies to provide that value that you mentioned above...every single one of those Instants could be taken care of by the free market that means people would fill that void with established companies.....if you're that ill logical too think the herds of sheep in the us would just be calm about the government being gone over night then your thought processes are not thorough obviously the government indoctrination is so ingrained in society that kind of scenario you paint would not work out well....and the ussa is too far gone i don't recommend even living there

there is a certain degree of difference between privatizing the telephone-network and the army.

Brehon law could answer some of your questions. I do agree their needs to be real world applications not just philosophical statements.