Realising the value of decentralised social media
So to set the scene, I'd decided to pull out of steemit after the recent changes to the wallet here, the way they implemented the changes really got under my skin, it came out of the blue and was implemented in what I saw as untested and lets say as less than a professional manner. I was on the fence for a while but that clenched the deal for me so I started powering down and I did cash out a few pesos.
Recent developments in the big bad world of the corporate controlled internet have made me reconsider my decision. It's been brewing for quite some time and most people (myself included) probably didn't give it the full attention it deserved. One of the first signs of the shift taking place was when Alex Jones had his soap box pulled out from under him, I think the guy is an unhinged nutjob for the most part but the way he was treated really annoyed me on principle. I think everyone should be allowed an opinion even if it is not congruent with main steam ideology. I say let people have their say and let the wisdom of the crowd pick it to pieces and let everyone decide if it's BS or if it has any substance.
Then in the last few weeks we've seen the full extent of these corporate control mechanisms unfold before our eyes. The way governments and the big social media platforms reacted after the Christchurch tragedy has culminated in a totalitarian style implementation of information control. It seems we can't even see the video to draw our own conclusions and if anyone has an opinion that's not aligned with the official narrative they will have their youtube account stonewalled and they can no longer post opinions about anything.
Max Igan did a review of the Christchurch situation which to me seemed like a non biased presentation of the facts and they shut him down. We've even had legislation rushed through the Australian parliament which is designed to basically shut down any real journalism and reporting of such events, this is some of the most dangerous controlling legislation I've ever seen in over 50 years of living in this country.
The final straw was what's just happened to Julian Assange, for me that was an overt display of the way the world will be controlled as this century progresses. The truth just doesn't fit into this master plan they've been plotting for us and just to speak the truth or publish it is now a criminal offence. while the real criminals bask in luxury.
Seeing Yesterday that Pwedypie (I only know who he is because I have teenage kids) has made the switch to Dlive gave me a slice of hope that I just haven't had for many years. That guy has more influence than all the big US MSM agencies combined and he's going to open the eyes of the youth of the of the world to decentralised media and that's got the potential to be a real game changer. We need young people to wake up see there's an alternative and that just could be the one of the most important quasi political changes the world has seen.
So given all the recent developments I've had to re-evaluate my hasty decision to leave. I'll be keeping a presence here and stopping the power down (when I sober up) even if I don't post much.
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Glad you are staying around here mate :-)
Posted using Partiko Android
Glad you're sticking around. How have you been finding Partiko so far?
Posted using Partiko Android
I had problems while I was using Partiko, whenever I had it running I'd lose access to my sd card so I couldn't take pics or see my gallery etc. I don't know if it was the app itself or if it was just an intermittent read/write error on the sd card that coincided with the times I ran the app.
My phone is a piece of crap though so maybe it's just not up to running Partiko with all the other stuff I have installed. I'll feed it a fresh sd card and give it another go soon.
Ah yeah, that'd be frustrating. I just threw a 256gb card in mine last week. So much better. I've never had any issues with Partiko and use it for pretty much every upvote and comment I make now. I post on there as well, when posting on the run, short stuff. It seems to work for me.
Anyway, have a good weekend.
Interesting piece. Watching Max now, he got access to his main channel again. It is really hot for anyone who speaks truth right now. Keep your head up if they are shouting at you.
Keep your head down if they are shooting at you.