It’s 9/11 in Japan! Happy 9/11, everyone!!!! 🥇🎉❤️💘☮️

in #anarchy7 years ago

It’s 9/11 in Japan! Happy 9/11, everyone!!!! 🥇🎉❤️💘☮️





Sometimes, when the mainstream culture simply refuses to mourn real tragedy, on all sides, there’s nothing left to do but have a tragic laugh about it all.

Here’s to the potato world!!!

Happy 9/11!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

Support Voluntary Japan!


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Another 9/11 has come, and America is still raping the region, still sowing hatred and death and destruction, still using that one event as an excuse to play this endless war, invest endless dollars in the military, strip more and more rights from their own citizens. Another 9/11 and no one has learned anything except how to kill more effectively and increase the hatred. Hopefully, at least, the American people are waking up to the truth. Doubtful. As the war continues, propaganda increases. But I remain hopeful the next generation can see through this bullshit better than ours.

The blood must continue to flow, right? We wouldn't want the massive consolidation of power and control to reverse. That'd be an absolute tragedy. /sarc

Everyone always says, If you forget the past, the past repeats itself. Lately I’m feeling, though, that the past repeats itself because we don’t forget it and move on. What’s worse, we reinvent it so that it taps into our anger and hatred and other negative emotions more and more.

I wish folks would stop reinventing it, see it as it is, and stop supporting the violence.

That’d be nice. I always think, do we really have to go through all of this again? Every year.

When I was home this summer, I went to NYC, and everyone wanted me to go see the 9/11 Memorial. I should’ve told them I had absolutely no interest in going, but instead I just said it was t in my list of things to do. But literally EVERYONE said, You have to go! It’s AMAZING!

Amazing? Ugh. It's a monument to ignorance. /sigh

Some reinvent it for their own purposes. The evil SOBs like Cheney. Others, I think, really don't learn. Like W. (note: I'm not saying he's stupid, just that for whatever reason he seems to honestly not understand that he was repeating a mistake that has been played out many many times in the past and always ends the same). I think teaching people about the past is good, but we also need to teach them about the evil SOBs who will try to reinvent and reimagine the past towards their goal of manipulating us.

I think connecting the past, or events like 9/11, to the future we want to build is what I am coming to think of as counter productive. I also think remembering the past is good, but lately I’ve been trying to view things from a bit of a different angle.

Politics in this world is so interesting. I want to join

Please I'm preaching.. Let love lead. We are all humans irrespective of our religion or race.
The truth remains though that some races are more evolved than some

Scientifically speaking there is only one race.

Then why the anarchy if there's truly one race?


Different races brings about different views. My theory though

Different races brings about different views. My theory though

Whole entire groups of skin color believe in color other whole entire groups of skin color?

Some are more evolved than others, ehh? Do tell which ones.

Americans,british,russians,spanians..,more evolved than the rest.
Whites more evolved than blacks


Just my opinion

If that's your opinion, why'd you pick your icon image? Are you "black?"

What’s the deal with the birth defects?

I don’t doubt it, but I also don’t know the supporting evidence for it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Right. The pictures are photoshopped, hey?

Depleted uranium.

Okay thanks, not as aware as I should be :(

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for posting and remembering 911. I also posted about it because I knew it was going to happen. I will never forget the lives that were lost that day. @kafkanarchy84

A friend I worked with lost someone close because of the media accusing a race of people. Her friend happens to be that race. They were attacked that day on the streets and killed.

So sad to think 911 ever happened.

I actually though about writing "happy 9/11 everyone" as well :D! resteem

Instead I wrote this with really really crappy drawings: