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RE: From Baghdad to Pyongyang: Is war coming to your door next?

in #anarchy8 years ago

Why wouldn't demand equate to service in a free economy?

Even as it stands today, there are districts and wards, covered by distinct departments. The private sector already works this way, too, in other fields, regarding private property.

There is no reason why complete privatization would discourage protection. To the contrary, it would make it all the more efficient, cutting out the middleman and red tape.

You are arguing in hypotheticals. I am telling you it is morally illegitimate to extort funds non-consensually (taxation) in order to fund any business, regardless of the quality of service.


Well we have different morals, clearly. That's fine, you're entitled to yours as I'm entitled to mine.

I don't really understand why everything is either black or white in your morality. Mine includes shades of gray, which include taxation for some purposes.

Morality aside, I'm sure you'll agree that a contiguous coverage of fire services is more efficient, given that fire travels contiguously. So we should hope that in either system, the fire coverage is contiguous.

I did not claim everything was black and white in "my morality." If you think that sometimes innocent lives being taken is justified you are a dangerous individual, and a fool.

What is an example of a moral gray area for you?

Defining legitimate self-defense, for example, in the case of trespassing. Different situations would and would not merit certain actions. Just one example of many.