"Deplorables"...this is the very word Hillary Clinton used to describe the American citizens who support Donald Trump's campaign to be President...
"Animals"...this is the very word Donald Trump used to describe the American citizens who support Hillary Clinton's campaign to be President...
So, this my fellow countrymen, is how "We, the people" are categorized and identified by the two biggest buckets of explosive shit to ever run for the office of POTUS...and here's the kicker...if you are a participant in the ongoing voter scam, commonly referred to as the General Election, then you are forced to pick someone that views you as nothing better than a "deplorable animal."
I don't know about you folks, but I for one, cannot listen to the Liberally biased docuhebags and twat waffles of the mainstream media anymore without wanting to gun up, head to the hills, and wait for the wheels to finish falling off this fiasco we call the federal government of the United States.
Consider for a moment a ruling elite class that gets to write and vote on all the rules and laws...even those governing the election process...and then ask yourself WHY, IN THE BLUE F**K are you still playing the same old tired game? The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, all while hoping for different results. We are stuck with a two party system, yet absolutely NOTHING in the US Constitution states that a candidate must come from one of those two parties...nor does anything in the US Constitution state that We, the people must continue playing along with this ruse.
Personally, I believe it's time we cast our votes with bullets instead of ballots...by mercilessly eliminating politicians who fail to fulfill their oaths of office...I know, it sounds harsh doesn't it...especially after having years and years of Liberal policies like "political correctness," shoved down your throat. However, if history has taught us anything, it is that the Tree of Liberty must be watered repeatedly, and often, with the blood of those who wish to be tyrants.
I don't know about you folks, but I personally never rescinded my individual birth rights. I have NEVER participated in voting. When I tell people this, they act as if they are shocked. I don't vote for several reasons...first and foremost, the Electoral College absolutely, indisputably and categorically obliterates your need to vote; they choose the next President, not the votes of the people. In fact, if every citizen over 18 refused to vote in the upcoming election, we would still wake up November 9th with a new puppet in office. Secondly, those who participate in voting are effectively surrendering their individual birth rights to somebody you know absolutely nothing about.
We need to stop playing by the rules the elitists have written. We need to physically remove them from their thrones of control and serve them up to the general public, to dispose of accordingly. We need to take back control of our daily lives and let it be known that we will not bow to the demands of a few who wish to ride the shoulders of the slaves to new found fortunes in politics. Our federal government is full of employees who do not serve the public interest. This needs to change immediately.
We need to call a Convention of States. We need to redraft the US Constitution to eliminate bloated pay scales for career politicians. How do we manage that, you ask? We start by instituting MINIMUM WAGE rates for ALL federal level politicians; this was always meant to be a patriotic duty and responsibility for which compensation would be minimal. We pay politicians minimum wage rates while they are in session. When not in session, these individuals will return to their respective states and join the local workforce. We also draft legislation that makes it absolutely mandatory for ALL of CONGRESS to participate in the laws they enact, without exception. If a peaceful Convention of States platform fails, then we go to guns and get busy upholding our individual rights to self-government.
Casting a vote for ANY of the candidates currently running for the office of POTUS, is a direct slap in the face to ALL of our Founding Fathers, as well as each and every veteran who has ever been called upon to serve.
Animals vs deplorables - it's about time that the truth comes out!
Rule by force is the problem.
Vote green. Demand guaranteed annual income
That sounds remarkably similar to Liberalism...what gives anybody the authority to DEMAND something they are NOT entitled to...?