I believe in a free market and money (units of account/exchange) where the mediums of exchange are decided upon and mutually agreed upon by the two parties involved in the buying/selling of goods or services. Currency attached to the state, empowers the state, allows for the funding of total war, enslaves the people through inflation tax, and over times always leads to a collapse of that monetary system and suffering of the people (Argentina, Zimbabwe, Weimar, Venezuela). The list of expired, extinct currencies is long, the average lifespan of a fiat is 30 years. One thing they all had in common is Government, statist, oversight and central banking authorities.
The only hope we will ever have for peace and economic stability is ending the central banks - ending the Federal Reserve and a return to sound money principles . Don't take my word for it, listen to Professor Ferdinand Lips, Antal Fekete, Ludwig Von Mises, Hans Herman Hopp, Murray Rothbard......
Until we get there, I don't care what we as a free people do. BTC, Gold & Silver, Gold & BTC, anything but the rotting leper currencies of statist dictators. Take their power - refuse their debt ridden currency of death.
End the Fed.