I loved the video Graham and get what you're saying 100%. I think that the natural condition of people is to avoid Government interaction, if they can. I don't want a speeding ticket, or to have to go to court for stealing, or robbery....but I also do not plan to break those natural boundaries if no one is watching either.
Nature can supply all you need, proportionate to the energy you exert. I sometimes plan my entire family's camping meal (about 10 of us with extended family) by trying to avoid using cash that day. The grandkids have fun helping me net baitfish. Together we catch fish with that bait. We pick vegetables or barter with the Amish for fruits and vegetables...then I prepare it all up. Is it a chore? Yes. But it's the only real chore that matters that day....food, water shelter, mutual help. If everyone always helps everyone, no one is in need today.
I have a lot of Thai and Cambodian friends. They are humble and would rather help you, than help themselves. If everyone follows that general rule, we all live to help others and we all succeed and help, rather than hoard resources.