Fascism Test
Testing your degree of fascismAs the American legal scholar David S. D'Amato has pointed out, much of the meaning contained in the word 'fascism' has been lost in its constant and lazy employment as a general term of abuse. Though 'fascism' and 'fascist' have long been pejorative catchwords, employed by both right and left in their denouncement of anything they do not like, fascism is in fact no catch-all, but a definite political ideology, situated at a complex cross-roads between Socialism, Conservatism, and Liberalism. By adopting elements from each of these political philosophies as its own, while simultaneously denouncing others, fascism manages to strike out as a 'fourth way' of doing politics and a definite system of government.
Does your political outlook share any of fascism's doctrines? Let's find out.
So I'm curious as to the "fascist" makeup of my followers - no judgement from me in the comments on your results :). Here's a link to take the test. If you do, LMK what you got in the comments, and I'll upvote ASAP!

You are 38% Fascist, which makes you a
Fascist Fellow-Traveler.
You are 32% Fascist, which makes you
Not Fascist. I'll take that.
Good stuff! 3% away from me lol.