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RE: Divided Humanity-Tommy Robinson to split humanity

in #anarchy7 years ago

Tommy is a legend who's trying to expose the Muslim rape gangs raping and torturing young British children that the UK media will not report on. This is fact. I for one support Tommy we need more like him. This case proves the bias media is protecting these rape gangs and not reporting due the fear of being labelled racists as it does not fit with the immigration naritive being forced on British people. Go Tommy. Your not deviding the country your bringing together those who see the truth about our own government trying to kill every inch of British culture. No Surrender!


This is the kind of blind patriotism that is so very wrong with the World. You do realise that the people that run your great nation (im British too btw) are war mongering, tax evading, paedos??

Yes. In fact I'm the first to say it. As high up as the queen actually , tho what's that got to do with Tommy exposing rape gangs. I'm for truth no matter who it hurts. And you say your British yet you sound like your willing to let these things go on. That's blind patriotism. Tommy has highlighted it well where the media have no choice the people have brought it to the front. I digress though. And again ask. What has our great run country and their failing leaders got to do with Tommy exposing these pedos. Also a further thought since you bring it up. It's not just Britain. It's most of the high ranking officials everywhere. So let's expose it. Do you not agree

I don't know this Tommy Robins guy, but I think they do it just like nazis did with their population by telling them the minorities are the problem, in this way the people will beg the gov to do something about them (problem, reaction, solution). In my opinion the whole thing could be fake. Just like they do when they do their false flag events. You should realize that police does absolutely nothing to investigate and put in jail the elite, politicians, priests and other sociopaths for raping and killing kids. Yet in this case they were ready to catch him the moment it happend and also all got recorded without a problem to the footage/cameraman.

I suggest you do a bit of research on Tommy Robinson. Then I think youl see how stupid it is to refer to them as Nazis. Lol that's precisely the brain washed reaction the media try to push. I think for any reasonable thinking person who actually does fact finding can clearly see the agenda. Uninformed people make the liberal comments without knowing. I ask this. How is a guy who exposes rape gangs a Nazi or racist? Even if they where white he would still expose them and has done. It's really easy to understand. If you lived in Birmingham where your daughter can't even get a taxi due to fear of rape from minority groups that think it's ok to rape infidels. Would you stand by and say nothing. Would you be happy to let it go on. Well that's all that Tommy has done. He has stood up for the British people and been a voice for people who are sick of the media protecting these people. So people jump to racist as he's a white guy telling the truth about where he was born and highlighting the dangers young girls face in his home town and across Britain. Then they put him jail with the same people for speaking out. You may not like what he's got to say but he has the right to say it. Especially when it's true. Democracy. Free speech is under attack in the UK and this case brings it to the front and proves it when you look at the actual details of the case

Also. The police knew he was going to be there from details of a previous case where again there where a number of rape cases being investigated by Tommy and the police knew he was going to do the same thing as the real Fake media wasn't reporting on. So Tommy reported on despite hush orders placed on the case to protect the ID of the Muslims involved. Again though I suggest you look at the facts and decide yourself and ask why would the media not want to report on numerous rape cases & why should a guy be arrested and jailed for reporting on it.

You really think the media protects the muslims? You should realize that today in every place on earth (expecially in big cities) you risk your life if it is dark and not too crowded. If you don't let people work legally, they'll try to take from the ones that have. In this way the elite has the excuse to tell you in the news: "see, how bad these guys are"? (the small fish). But they'll never talk about them selves (the big fish) that have made a criminal system that is setup this way. This is advertising/propaganda for statism. People will beg you to help them; They'll see the State and its criminal as the saviours. It's perfect for the swine that rule us. The tv is the tool rich men use to tell to their slaves how bad they are.

Oh I hear what your saying. Order out of chaos, however that's not what's happening here. The minority crimes especially ones committed by Muslims are kept out of the media. The crime rates have indeed gone up. Fact. Tommy reports on these cases and has been shut down because the elites want to bring more and the people can't know what they are doing. The government are trying to bring millions of them here and need the support of the people to do it. The people will not support it if they hear of the crimes. Tommy explains it very well. Again I suggest you do research. It's funny actually. All these comments and I think if you all a tally looked for yourself you would agree with Tommy. He wants people to live together in peace he is the man who is trying to expose the elite. He's the one out there trying to fight for precisely everything you all mention yet you appear to be against him. Crazy people he's the guy the government are trying to silence who's crying out these very issues. Everything from rape gangs and elite pedos and trying to make the streets safer for British people of all races.