Oh I hear what your saying. Order out of chaos, however that's not what's happening here. The minority crimes especially ones committed by Muslims are kept out of the media. The crime rates have indeed gone up. Fact. Tommy reports on these cases and has been shut down because the elites want to bring more and the people can't know what they are doing. The government are trying to bring millions of them here and need the support of the people to do it. The people will not support it if they hear of the crimes. Tommy explains it very well. Again I suggest you do research. It's funny actually. All these comments and I think if you all a tally looked for yourself you would agree with Tommy. He wants people to live together in peace he is the man who is trying to expose the elite. He's the one out there trying to fight for precisely everything you all mention yet you appear to be against him. Crazy people he's the guy the government are trying to silence who's crying out these very issues. Everything from rape gangs and elite pedos and trying to make the streets safer for British people of all races.
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I live in Italy so I know what I'm talking about. If you don't want something to get to the public eye, you try to hide it by not doing anything about it (or you solve it by killing the dissident in question). If you catch him on camera that is clearly theater for the masses. Remember they are poising you with chemtrails, but people percieve the threat to be something that is statistically almost zero. Returning on nazism.. Today it's actually worst than with concentration camps because they are bringing people here and they die by the thousands in the sea. Now they're trying to make life hell for them even when they are in our countries so that the moment will arrive when they'll have the consent to just exterminate all of them (with the excuse that they're solving the problem of criminality/terrorism); next will come the time when they'll play the same trick to their own people (all the poor that they have created them selves). Do I think all this people should leave their land and come and live here? Of course not (hopefully one day we'll all return in our lands). You should understand that it's not easy for people to leave their home. They all want to have a happy life (maybe fishing with their friend and having fun like we do). This chaos we see today has the purpose to kill as much people as possible. All this will end only when we'll realize the problem is not the poor, but the ones at the top that have the power to create all this misery. If we all got along with each-other we would realize that we don't need people ruling us. This is why they will always create chaos and hell, so that we'll sell our freedom for false sense of security.
Yes I agree. That's why the media did as you say nothing. They don't report it they do NOTHING. That's where Tommy comes in. Italy is lost to the same thing. So you should indeed know what I'm saying. As for catching it camera. If you knew the details of the case you would know how the police where there. Watch the videos. Find out who Tommy is people.
I don't need the details. There are only two types of people: the very rare ones that expose the top (Malcolm X, MLK, Gandhi, Lennon etc), and the sellouts (also known as house slaves) that expose their own people for a few money. In this case, the guy in question is focusing on the slaves (and not the masters, say buckingham palace). Of course I don't like what a criminal does (be it a small fish or a big one). What I'm saying is that the system make people behave the way the bullies at the top want. That is why putting people (small fish) in prison has never solved anything and never will. They'll never solve the problem, because they want to manage it. Like doctors with their patience do.
You know what. I totally agree on that point and il leave it with this. What is it that made them men great men. That they went to prison for what they believed. That they suffered from violence. Lost their freedom. Well !! Tommy has done all the above. Modern day needs great men too.
Hitler also went in jail.. it doesn't mean anything.
Yes let's leave it with this. You people have the illusion you'll go back in time when everything was beautiful. And you'll do this just by following your favorite leader/guru. All your problems will be solved when you'll get rid of a specific kind of people (usually the poor). Your saviours (leaders, gurus) keep changing with time because as soon as you realize you've been duped, another one is presented to you. This goes on eternally. We live a proxy life because don't have the balls anymore to fight by our selves. We have heroes that will solve our problems. I hope for you he'll be the right one.