My thoughts on world power

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Is there a big super fatcat at the top ruling over us and dangling us as puppets over the stage? It’s a thought I’ve had since I was very young. I remember watching “The man who owns the world” at the age of 7 and asking my Mum,

“Mum? Who owns the world? Does that mean he’s rich?”

It seems a conceivable thought as a seven year old that is used to working in a classroom with only one boss, the Teacher. So I guess that would apply to my wider surroundings too. At least in my way of thinking.

I don’t really think there’s one person that rules the world now, or even a group of people. I think the world that we live in is far, far too complex to have a ruling body of 10 fat men in suits sitting around a table in a stuffy room smoking their Cubans. If I know anything about business and psychology is that forces out with our control are far too severe for such a small band of people.

There seems to be a massive swing to the right in Politics than I’m not liking. What was once more centrist is viewed now as left-wing. The centre stage in my opinion has moved far to the right. And with this swing it has caused a massive uproar in equality and a redistribution of wealth to those in power. Perhaps that’s a better idea.

“Those in power”

Those in power are the people that rule the world right now. And what do I mean by that? Well, anyone with a significant amount of weight behind them to influence the decisions of others. It could be a Politician, or an inventor, or someone with massive stacks of cash, or a singer with a keen interest in Politics. And even those people can be influenced.

Perhaps when you think about it you could say those that finance the decision making process are the ones that hold the keys. To rig an election, or to blanket propaganda an entire nation takes an unfathomable amount of resources. Yet there will be someone at the top with the cash flow to finance the process.

But let’s not forget the little people. The middlemen. The people that keep their mouths shut and do the bidding of their paymasters. The people that bend the rules of law to see the correct procedures are put into place. These people also have an agenda. These people also have a goal that they are working to which might not directly coincide with those at the top. And this is why I say 10 people are not enough to rule the world.

Me? I’m more of a community person. I like to see everyone doing well. I think everyone should aspire to meet their worth, but I don’t agree that someone should make 45 Million an hour or so. That in itself is just psychopathy when there’s people on the streets who can’t afford a hot meal, never mind somewhere dry and roofed to sleep.

So much inequality. I want to fix it allll lol.



Inequality will always exist. Poor people keep breeding won't do much difference even if all the wealth is distirbuted. At the end everybody will end up with the same money and everything will collapse since nothing will have value.

Here is an advice to benefit humanity. If you are poor. Stop breeding. If you are poor and have 3 kids and then you still complain about inequality then you are an idiot. if your parents did this to you then tell them they are the idiots.

I'm not too sure. I think the future starts with our kids. I mean it may be a ideological pipedream but say schools didn't teach kids work for financial reward and society was changed to think community rather than for themselves? A thought perhaps, I dunno.

That is a nice fairy tail. That there is no group of men ruling the world. If that was the case, I wouldn't be on steemit. I would simply be living my life, trying to climb an invisible ladder made of fake Federal reserve Notes and the twin towers would still be standing. To utterly deny that a conspiracy of men with influence and wealth are ruling the world for the interests of themselves is preposterous especially regarding the massive amount of evidence to the contrary, including but not limited to these quotes, I would suggest you do more research into the "powers that shoudn't be"...

John F Kennedy:

David Rockefeller

Charles August Lindbergh Sr

Carroll Quigley

Never mind the existence of Bilderberg, not sure how you can make the claims you made without addressing this group:

Or the Bohemian Grove, totally normal to you I guess, not even worth mentioning somehow in your article?

I guess the Group of Thirty doesn't exist either right?

Do I even need to keep going at this point or are you willing to admit you might be wrong? That the "powers that shouldn't be" amount to what qualifies as a conspiracy? As the overwhelming amount of evidence shows?

@titusfrost - wow. Such an aggressive post from a bit of meandering on my part - I mean I don't claim to know all the answers! I was just thinking out loud.

But what I do know is that inequality is vast!

Even if there are no real "world leaders", there are for shure too many too rich people compared to the rest. These guys claim the leadership against each other and in order to gain more power they fight. The problem is that any control over someone else imbalances the power and grows the damage of a conflict. So these "fights" are called wars an the Damage is huge... And there comes money and governments into play...

So i see the only stable solution truely is anarchy with one problem.
Unfortunalely the way to get there ist bloody. Just because people refuse to think an act for themselves, and these people have to go...
Today these people fight for the military, collect taxes, and so on. In a brighter future such people hopefully just arent raised.

It seems harsh, but i really think the only Laws that should exist are natural law (philosophical) and Physical Law for individuals which dont get the first one.

Check out Mark Passio:
Really great information to straighten your worldview...

Yep. I agree with this. I mean i was purely thinking on a basis of having one or two leaders for the world would be such in depth resources and communication on a scale of 'bloody hell' - I think there's far too many events which one or two people can solely control

There are basically 2 extreme models... absolute freedom or the total control by some instance. In my opinion the first way can work but doesnt have to. The second just cannot.
At least in my definition of a "working" system.
Even if it where possible for anybody or a piece of software to manage all of our concerns, which is like you wrote, pretty impossible. We still would have the problem of electing the "best world leader" or wrinting down rules to every aspect of our life. Just like we tried :)
In order for total control to work, one would need every possible information about everything everytime... Like seen in some scifi movies.
I would not like to live in such a world... do you?

No chance! Not at all

Easy words find a good reward :)

Thank you

George Soros is a man who has tried to rule the world through the influence of money...

How is that letter about "ruling the world through the influence of money"? Did you even read it? What he was proposing (cooperation of EU and US, and appointing a mediator) seemed like a reasonable course of action.


Pablo Escobar too

Gracias Por compartir este material, Me gusta lo que has publicado. Muchas Gracias

Thanks for the comment.

This is how the world it is. The powerful one rulling the majority and decide everything.

I think it's more of a flow of events than one person. Just my thoughts anyway :)

You have begun your journey. Keep searching! The truth will make you FREE.

Cheers man. I mean, yeah, I'm only starting! lol

There must be order in the structure of decision making and someone has to make the tough calls when consensus among the Elite of the Elites provides no solution, so there is One person at the top of the Western Financial Pyramid and a group under him/her, and we, the general public, will never know who that One person is. That said, I'm not so sure that person even wants to be in that position. It must be a burden to be The financial genius at the top.

Depends. I don't think we can truly understand wealth hoarding at a psychopathic level.

Inequality creates thoose problems which we face today. Who knows history already know how this game will ends

Yep - scary scary thought!