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RE: "Eeeek, an AR-15 !!!"

in #anarchy7 years ago

First of all the second amendment was written in a time when people used muskets and cannons, so it's terribly outdated.

First of all when the second amendment was ratified there were 22 shot, magazine fed, suppressed repeating rifles available, so your premise is false not that it actually would make sense if it was not. At the time they communicated with broadsides and letters, so therefore modern communications aren't protected by the 1st amendment?

Second, specific guns like automatic and military weapons shouldn't be obtainable by civilians, if they want to use them they should be restricted to shooting ranges, and all other weapons as strong as my pellet rifle should require initial and remedial training, background checks, and a permit similar to what you need to drive a car, and liability insurance depending on the gun, where you are, and how you plain to use it.

Oh, so we should pass the laws we already have? Your solution is what we did in the 1930s? You want people to have permits for pellet guns? Why? How many people are killed with pellet guns?
You needed training for your pellet gun? really?
Let me get this right, there are 71 times as many fatal car accidents than fatal gun accidents and you think we should make gun laws more like car laws, how is that working out?

Insurance, that's a funny one, the idea of demanding that is because you think the insurance would be too expensive for poor people right? You imagine that guns are so dangerous that the insurance would be expensive, but of course in reality guns are so safe that gun insurance is free with your NRA membership. So sorry that won't keep legal guns out of the hands of poor black people like you would want.
I like how you don't know how insurance works, do you think any insurance covers intentional criminal acts committed by the policyholder?

I often hear people say that this is unreasonable because it would make it easier for the Government were to oppress us in a "take over". My response, if the Government were against you, your guns aren't going to help you against drone and airstrikes.

Oh right, too bad nobody told the Taliban that huh? We can't even defeat a few thousand illiterate goat herders, millions of armed Americans are unstoppable. How will you keep the drone operators children safe?