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RE: You can't trust freedom when it's not in your hands,...

in #anarchy7 years ago

Tyrannical Monarch of favor of self rule

Was it just me or did I just read, 'we through off a monarch in favor of a monarch of our chosing'?
Cause I think that is what you just said.

in a Country of 300 Million it is now impossible, again.

These are not the only choices on the table.
The real choice is between thugs enforcing your rules, or folks being free to decide for themselves.
Pick a side, the bullies won't let you sit on the fence for long.

We have a unique opportunity that I've heard many people want to squander.

Never let a conflict not serve your purpose.

Our government is still here to maintain personal freedoms to speak, to travel, to assemble, and to own property, encouraging people to create new businesses and grow the old ones.

Lol, repeat the mantra, repeat the mantra, everything is ok, just go back to sleep,....

If this is protecting me I'll take door number two.


It's a democratic republic..... it's Self Rule.

Even the bullies can't hide from the Court forever.

Folks are free to decide for themselves. Just look at that guy who created his own country in Croatia.

America is a bit out of balance. The self rule part has gotten very diluted.

There is no door no. 2 Unless you conquer your own lands.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

We will replace the corrupt with p2p alternatives :) That's what I'm going with.

Yep, build the new.

Until freedom lovers can give food away it is not possible to free the average slave.
Until we are the media it is not possible to free the average mind, either.

One step at a time, or many steps in parallel, we will win, or life will die.

When the court is controlled by the rich you can not trust it to act with compassion and fairness.

The court isn't mean for compassion and fairness is a result of the representational ratio being to diluted.

The ratio is too diluted for sure. But of course a court/jury of your peers should/would vote with compassion and fairness.

Maybe in criminal matters but the real reason to expand the house to over 10k members is so the special interests cannot control all of the elections logistically and financially speaking. This would open up doors for third and fourth parties to have seats.

Either way, more voices lead to more truth.

Man, sorry I missed this, I forget that I don't get notified of all comments on my posts.

Logistically we need full time representatives. People simply don't have the time to dedicate themselves to being informed on the issues confronting society. Heck the guys we have on there full time don't do it but having over 10,000 reps would make us very expensive for the special interests to control all of the elections and open it up to 3rd and 4th parties to gain seats.