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RE: Shabu Should Be Decriminalized in the Philippines

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

@barrycooper: Thanks for your input. As I understand it, Ritalin and other ADHD medications are similar to meth, but they're not chemically identical to it. However, I'll concede the point and say that many users of meth do not experience the detrimental effects experienced by addicts (at least not in degree). I tend to think it's intrinsically harmful, though, and I think there's evidence to support that. I make beer and alcohol recommendations, but I'd never suggest a hit of ice. With that said, I agree that alcohol can destroy addicts just as much as meth can.

I may have done meth a couple times in my early 20s, but inadvertently, in powder form. For the record, though, I did do a lot of drugs that I don't recommend to people for recreation: cocaine (powder and crack), Xanax, heroin (occasionally), pain pills, and other drugs. The only drug I'm addicted to now is caffeine, and I enjoy cannabis, which is good for me. Herb can easily be classified as a health supplement as well as a natural medicine. Hallucinogens may be beneficial every now and then. I was 15 when I first did LSD and I grew shrooms in my 20s.

Anyway, I also decry the mass drugging of children. In many cases, it coincides with a natural unwillingness on the part of kids to sit still during government indoctrination in public schools (i.e., government schools). They don't fall in line with the program, and hence, they're drugged with meth-like prescription drugs. It's sad, Man.