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RE: The Myth of Authority

in #anarchy7 years ago

I watched the video. And you answered my question with this

. If businesses don't provide good service or act in ways that are not in the best interests of their communities, they will no longer gain business. People will use competitors.

But i am not sure if it will work out in my country


But i am not sure if it will work out in my country

I'd love to know more about why not. Could it be because people are programmed from birth to believe the myth of authority and that programming puts rulers in place which end up harming people?

When I think about these things, I think the change has to happen first in people's thinking long before we can see it work in physical reality.

Any slightest chance we have here. We also overuse. We have a lot of ritualist in my country. Imagine this set of ppl been giving freedom. Allowed be behave the way they want.

I like your theory and it is beginning sound interesting to me. My belief can be changed through you but first i need to consider the pros and cons