I am always listening to some podcasts when I commute. The unfortunate thing is that the ones you suggest are a bit too long for my taste - my commute is 25-30 min long, so I prefer a 30 min max podcasts.
I really like GaryVee for example, he really helps me put things in perspective and I can focus on my grind. I guess everybody has preferences. I also like listening to Tony Robbins.
I will definitely check them out, though. Thank you for sharing !
P.S. This Seminar from Jim Rohn is a life-changer.
I can see that. I like longer ones for some reason. Maybe just because I have that much time while I'm driving and shoeing horses.
I'll check those out. Thanks for the recommendations. I have been meaning to check out GaryVee. I've seen him on YouTube.
You definitely should ! I think he is likable, but it really depends on your state of mind. For example my father did not like him, he said that GaryVee is more suitable for younger people. When you have the chance, give him a try - Also I am very curious what an experienced podcaster like you would say about him. Thank you :)