Ken O Keefe Freefall - The Shooting Star That Cant find a Vein.. . Notes on a dickhead by Elissa Hawke

in #anarchy8 years ago

Money Money Money ahhhh HAAAH ahhhh ha haaaaaaa all the things I would do.... if I-
I always wondered about the charismatic Ken O´Keefe.
Is this what controlled opposition looks like?

I took my chances and admired him for his truly heartfelt passionate work.
There are fuck all strong male role models willing to prick the beast and speak truth to power.
Ken was a welcome swearing voice in the wilderness of white apathy.

Sadly his latest project has been derailed in under three months
Despite how much good he has done, how many people he has helped, something is happening to his work now.
Ken is looking like a liability.
Will he just facepalm in a years time and just blame it all on luurve

He is a walking cliche of the two-headed man this year.

Max Igan certainly spells out what the whole lot of us might unwittingly have accomplished... even if he is just a tad dramatic
-that this will put an end to all fundraisers
-bring an end to all trust
-an end to any voice that *put their name * to the project
-effectively put an end to any co-ordinated response to the system.

Max, Its just Ken.
Its not armageddon

Is that what we all have been participating in wittingly and unwittingly?

I swear I will never fucking learn!
Is that why Dodgy Deanna recruited me, right at the 11th hour...?
Was there some chance some of them knew right from the start this shit was already on its way down the toilet, either to go off its own rails or be derailed?

Am I becoming effective?

Pooh for thought

I´m sorry to my friends and anyone who has donated time or money to the World Citizen Solutions oxymoron.
I am sorry I endorsed the "project".

Im sorry Im alive some days but Im doing my best.
As Grandma says "DOUBT MEANS DONT" and I wish I listened to my gut.

Here are the lessons
-No one can change the world we can only change ourselves.
-Donating money to a cause does not excuse you from doing the personal work required to be sovereign and higher than government. This is only your natural state if you know it and self educate to lovingly reclaim it.

Redeem your soul. Rescind your walking dead status and come alive again as the flesh, and not the corporation.
I know a "citizen" can not be sovereign.
I know how not to pay tax, I escaped civilisation and lived in a tent for years so I could study contract law.
I know only self-realised sovereign beings can exist "outside of government" with large effort, sustained courage and usually requires physical relocation and or jail time.
For me that effort is worth it to no longer be obligated to pay taxes to the warmongering Australian government that claims it owns me. It is very hard to learn financial independence in a foreign country but its easier for me to do that than bomb someones lovely kids in Syria.
i know sovereign beings dont use lawyers. To use a lawyer is to declare yourself incompetent.
You go by special appearance if you are mad enough to go at all. If you are not unconscious or being dragged in handcuffs.

I have also come to appreciate the power of sealed and notarised affadavits declaring sovereignty, combined with a UCC1-308 will disqualify the states jurisdiction over your flesh in breaches of acts statutes and regulations when there is no harmed or injured parties.
Sorry for that boring sentence.

I didnt feel the need to financially support this mission of Ken O´Keefe. °°
Nor did I feel the need to correct him on these glaring inconsistencies in his original plan, (or the globe earth in the promo ; ) because
1-i assume hes busy
2-takes years of self education to realise these things
3-I am no authority
Ken knows me as a mad lady who lived in a van made of weed

°°I am still burned from that experience with Ken two years ago watching David Ickes manager Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his assistant Deanna Amato bleeding the UK and Europe dry for all their goodwill donations to THE PEOPLES VOICE channel.
Once I saw through that ruse I I estimated most, maybe (70%) of the people working there were compromised agents. They were all connected like worker bees but seemed independent at first.
That was 2 million pounds they siphoned, from a loving gullible public thinking if they throw $20 or $1000 at this darn "slavery problem" it will go away..

I did enormously enjoy many off the off the cuff speeches Ken has made over the years, so, when asked to support this money gathering mission with a small endorsement I simply sent this, declaring my position.

We Need to stop.
We need to change.
We need to govern ourselves by our consciences.
We need voluntary societies based on the non aggressive principle
That is human rights.
That is freedom.

I got more of an inkling that something was up soon after sending my endorsement when I got a thankyou letter from Deanna Amato.
I didnt know Ken was working with her again. I lost trust in her last time.
I wrote to Ken and told him my concerns.

A few facebook friends told me they had donated, probably, five thousand dollars combined.
One was a littled piqued when I offhandedly told him, I hope you get your moneys worth...

Not that I doubted Kens financial integrity at this stage but I am very aware how legal sharks work, how legal "experts" by definition can not even comprehend sovereignty as they have that BAR so far in their arses theyre crosseyed.
I just knew Ken could blow that $150 grand on dumbarse legal experts that could teach him nothing.
Offer him nothing but receipts.
Like everyone donating their $5 looking for the magic paper, Ken was going to be donating all the little donations straight back UP to our masters in great chunk collections of dosh hoping to buy this golden ticket off some lawyer friend, that can free us all.

I have been watching for months a man and his ego.
I left him to his de-vices, hoping that he will pull this gravy train up before it spills.
I dont think he has much more pride to lose in a crash so he´s driving rather recklessly. That is his right.
If we are mad at him, we should also be mad at ourselves for not doing more, for not being more of the strength and good we saw in him.

The more I read of Kens recent "Subversion report" about his team, the more I realise it really aint looking good.

I have only had a day to look at this. It is not impossible that Max, and all his team are agents sent to compromise Ken and make him look incompetent and, as if he is stealing.
Stranger things have happened.
But Max aint trying to buy land in Dominica. So we need to make sure if Ken really is.
Ken needs to admit it if he is trying to sink those donations into land.

If he is the tool of someone else, boy, they really enjoy watching him flounder

Ken told us all back in Dec 2015 that he had "the worlds leading human rights attorneys" working on a way to write a contract that could extradite us from government financial demands when the government is committing war crimes.
I personally dont feel a need for this contract as even when living in Aus I learned to become self employed, un-employed, work for anything so I could protest this thievery by not having it automatically taken out of a paycheck of a bigger corporation, or government salary.

I know too much.
I refused to pay all fines tolls and taxes for decades in Australia after I woke up to the trickle UP money scam of all government, and how easy it is to simply never receive offers to contract, from your government by scrawling RETURN TO SENDER - NOT AT THIS ADDRESS on the front and returning every and all boring correspondances they send. There is no old nanny sitting at a desk judging you for not opening your contract. Its just logged into a computer somewhere that you never received it.
Sneakily, the fuckers, regard all their contracts as tacitly accepted if you do nothing and just throw them in the bin.
You must always RETURN TO SENDER. Make the buggers work!

Because I know every man is only my equal.
Because I have inner strength and Id rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
Because so far, money has not compromised my principles

By Feb 2016 Ken had no observable progress on the legal work and it was getting embarrassing for members on the team being asked by supporters where their money had gone and for what purpose.

Ken then (uh oh) "fell in love" at Anarchapulco with a girl "who was paid to come by the organiser," said Max... but not to perform, (as such ; )
She has achieved a public reputation for targeting alternative media types, derailing two so far...
Its no crime to get around but when you leave destruction in your wake, three times, people may start to think you jinxed them.

Ken joked she may be a "honeypot" to steer him off mission. I dont think hes as efficient as he thinks.
I think anyone could pretty much seduce anyone after they broke out of ten years of monogamy.

I do not know what a woman could do to deserve the public embarrassment Ken has dished his ex wife this year.
Why is Ken so disrespectful to the mother of his two boys, allowing himself to be so spastically bedazzled?
Its like a midlife crisis red sportscar fantasy. This is not the guy most people were impressed enough to donate dollars to.
I often wondered as I researched him before interviewing him, "once a marine, always a marine?".
I consoled myself thinking Ken was doing too much in his personal life challenging Israel and the Fed to be controlled by them
Right now I´m 50/50.
Ken might be being handled by someone, or a honeypot, or, through a honeypot, or seriously, drop all the paranoia it really could just be a middle aged guy on his last hurrah with his neo Yoko Ono
I am personally terrified by people who dont think of the fallout of their actions in love.
Love is life and death stuff.

I dont trust anyone in this. Perhaps theyre all working for the same team as they explode into splinters. Perhaps I even was, calling for people to help his mission. Ugh I hate how naiive I am. Fucking Pollyanna

Perhaps some knew. Perhaps Ken. Perhaps Sophie. Perhaps Max, perhaps Deanna. Most wouldnt need to know, the handlers know how to make everyone flee in fear once you suspect someone you love and trust is a massive liar running a scam.

Reading over both Ken and Maxs statements both contain holes in their logic and research.
Ken remarks "its silly to think a legally viable UCC contract could achieve anything other than perhaps some temporary defence against the system"
and this about Max -"I felt like I was dealing with a child incapable of understanding a most basic concept - distracting madness"

My experience and research suggests the UCC international contract is exactly the paperwork required to declare oneself outside of any government jurisdiction. Its an option available to any and all who educate ourselves. It may take a few years reading and listening to gain back all they have stolen, but no one can learn it for you so you will do it when you decide to free yourself.

Ken has not studied the first rule of sovereignty.
His lawyer authorities work first for The Crown, and maybe later, a bit, for us.

This is something he either has or will come to understand. Recognising what it would take to educate each individual to excoriate themselves from their governments peacefully is too big a task, he either
-has months of bookwork ahead sending back thousands of donations,
-he can reroute the whole "project" for the die hard followers and buy himself more time,
-or he can buy some land somewhere and just fuck off and hide for a few years.

People who want to believe the best will grant him time to try more things... somehow keep going.

Those who have been burnt before dont want to sit quiet and let ourselves be fooled again.
Ken has had $150 thousand in donations for almost a year and has nothing to show for it besides the hotel receipts from his 2 month rebound playdate.
He says he will have legal paperwork in days proving his project is getting back on track.
The race is on

To hear through Max that Ken is trying to buy land is a good opportunity for us to challenge him to give the money back, before breaking his word. Most will just kiss their $20 goodbye, and this phenomena of people going bad for money will go on while we are slaves in their system.
There is a fucking hole in the bucket

To hear Ken accuse Maxs underlying rationale, as jealousy, is sad. Ken is delirious. You frisky old dogs. Even if its true, its embarrassingly juvenile peacocking by Ken. It really seems like stellar insecurities have been tweaked by someone or something.
The problem is Ken, you have done fuck all for a year since you got the money in your bank -besides free yourself of your family and enjoy a string of hotels with your shortsighted trophy.
On the goodwill of thousands of people.

Ken keeps saying "nothing has changed in the legal stature of the contract viability so why is everyone abandoning me?" /subverting the project.

Because there is no project, as such, any more.
As each of us awaken to your derailment we each need to honor ourselves and challenge you to get back on track or return the money to those who ask, as you said you would from day one, if targets werent met.
The target is a one page contract (that can be read in under a minute and comprehended within 10 mins), expressing terms of ones absolute unwillingness to cooperate with war crime.

We could give you more time, if Max didnt alert us that youre trying to buy land.
If this becomes evidential, is provable, we must try to stop you from hurting your future and so many others.

Ken says "critical legal work is underway and soon to be completed."
Since his whole team seems to have quit, maybe to redeem his arse he needs to just open up the accounts, show everyone how much money has gone where, how much is left, and be transparent. I wont regain my trust with anything less.

I know we´re all human and could all lose our minds if we suddenly had a hundred grand and a new love, but this is something bleak.

I am 100% on one thing though. There is a possibility this girl doesnt really love him, that really she loves his accomplishments, things that she can one day achieve for herself. That he is falling for the idol worship is also telling, like a pattern. The "relationship" may grow on forever but one thing is for sure ...based on Maxs email release, Ken is trying to weasel about for as long as it takes so that he can buy some land in the non-extraditable Dominica, RIGHT NOW.

If you made a sizeable donation ASK FOR IT TO BE RETURNED in goodwill.
Ken must be stopped from doing this to himself.
To think a man of his intellectual ability could be lulled in to this madness by his penis.
Its unheard of
Just joshin ; )

To think thousands of people are going to be broken hearted and despondant about future endeavours is possibly a good thing. We will all be forced to do the actual work to free ourselves. Until each and every one stand up to the governments ourselves instead of cowering behind our dodgy uncle having an off year.

To think that all Ken really got out of this last hurrah after decades of good work, was $150 grand and a groupie.
I suppose some people would think its a pretty good deal

Life is fucking tragic.


I’m glad to have no skin in the game as I can’t envision a positive outcome to all of this.
But on the plus side, “mad lady who lives in a van made of weed” would be a great title on a business card.
And, with the right writers, a good premise for a sitcom.

the initial advert was pretty fucking funny. I will never live down being arseociated with that sascha kindersize russell brand

"I do not know what a woman could do to deserve the public embarrassment Ken has dished his ex wife this year."

Thank you for voicing that. It's been on my mind. Also if she might make a statement as well regarding Ken's character. (Stunning lack of associates speaking-up on his behalf, actually.) Do we even know her name?

Where can I read the the interview you did with him, Elissa?

Brava for a great post. It's soothing to read.

Soothing. @oceansatori Thank you. That word made waking up in this world for me today, smoother. It was a horrible night knowing I had dish-ragged a friend, lost a friend, sent a friend packing, embarrassed a friend, but it gets to a point where you realise, the person is not a friend, theyre not showing the respect youd expect of a friend, and you have to set them free, whilst letting them know you want your rollerskates back. I dont know Kens ex.wife but shes either dignified or possibly terrified, watching him go so off the rails. I still hope I am proved wrong. Ken still has time to reformulate the plan and use that money to start a campaign. I dont regret being a part of it completely. It was a gathering exercise for a few tens of thousands people to visibly show they are willing to help pay for a solution to our birth certificate corporate slavery. And hundreds of thousands, now maybe more, to sit on the idea, share the idea, contribute their energy for free to the idea, contemplate, evolve their governed natures etc. But it sucks that one wheel is hanging over the edge of the cliff. Ken still has love and a lot of supporters who he can recreate this with. I pray he takes that path and I just have to eat some crow.

This is the interview I made with Ken when we worked together at The Peoples Voice in the UK. I am glad to hear another acknowledge his lack of respect for his ex-wife. To be pumping ones chest to impress ones mates while disregarding the fact you´re jumping on the heads of your family, its the height of disrespect. That alone made me wonder what has happened to him.

It may sound silly, but I would like to know her name or have a photo of her... In order to meditate with it and send her some light ~

thats very sweet. you can find her without too much trouble im sure. She has written me and expressed their love and commitment is real so I believe if she is being used its unwittingly

If she's expressed that to you in writing, do you know this girl he's hooked up with in Acapulco?

Great post. I didn't "invest", but I've been observing this shit fall apart for ages already.
Although to be fair if I was in his shoes there's probably not a lot I wouldn't do for 150k and a groupie ;)

Sadly, me too, and i hope people would do what they could to trip me up before I made too much mess

Good piece Elissa, I can't help but feel I was duped too, the old gut feeling that I know oh so well, believing that it may, just may be a chance for change. I have posed one question to Ken, just one: "what do they (Max & co.) stand to gain? As yet, no answer, perhaps he's busy with the lawyers drawing up those get out of taxes forever contracts......And yes, you are absolutely correct in saying "I think anyone could pretty much seduce anyone after they broke out of ten years of monogamy"......we are all fallible I think. Some are more easily led than others to be sure. Trustdoesn't come easy for me, I'm usually very very cautious, perhaps a combination of life experience, being screwed over too many times because I allowed it to happen. I never donate to any causes now, except myself. I will donate a small amount of my time to people in genuine personal need, other than that, any group, club, association, movement etc are off limits for me. Dominica is not THAT remote and isolated that someone can hide forever, especially if they're distracted by shiny things ;)

Thanks @eagleone. I have been feeling sick all day. Sometimes I wonder if handler/influencers/financiers are trained to know how easy it is to turn two people against each other so they dont need to send in agents... but it is too weird that Deanna Amato keeps being involved in the projects that divebomb, and neither Ken nor Max had noticed...She was also an "organiser" for a David Icke ripoff holiday to Peru in 2012 which left everyone pissed off. Once bitten thrice shy with that bulldozer

I'm not familiar with Deanna, but I did hear about the fall of David's plan. Definitely more to it that mere coincidence. If it happens once, it's bad luck, twice, it's coincidence, three times or more, it's planned. I have also read something, allegedly made by the original WC team detailing how the "plan" would pay off. If these are legit, then the whole thing is, and has always been, a massive pyramid scheme in the making. The original team all left, or were they fired? Who TF knows? people take lies to their grave, especially when their pride is on the line. When it comes to a middle aged, heterosexual man and his pride, nothing inflates it better than a younger, attractive and totally engaged member of the opposite sex. Just sayin' ;) But, what goes up, must come down, ego and pride probably quicker.

I saw those figures on the "sign up 100 people a month Tupperware plan" just two days ago and I am glad that was never advertised publicly or no one would have joined. As it is I think I influenced about 5 people to join in 10 months, so theyre dreamin´-. It seems the whole team had left, or dissed him so bad he has now left us too. I am in no way sure of whats gone on still and it is in no way clear, thats why everyone is publicly commenting now, so we can have everything on the table. Kens secrecy, and the fact the money is 100% under his control, and Max has shown Kens intent to purchase land ... Ken needs to salvage what he can of his reputation and honor the mission. Integrity is all we have

Please see team members website

Who are you and how are you involved if you dont mind me asking? I met Sophia at the first Anarchapulco. She came up to me when I was sitting alone just for a few minutes. I liked her. I liked her energy, her spirit, her style. I didnt know anything about her but we became friends on fb after the conference and I liked some of her art very much. I enjoyed her politics and comprehension of reality for a youngen she was inspiring and individual. I dont know her backstory or how much she comprehends of the symbolism, or who else has picked her up and "assisted" her work, but I am willing to believe her when she says she believes their love is real. I pointed out that Judyth Vary Bakers love with Lee Harvey Oswald was real too

This is my husband´s website

Great read Elissa, thanks. For me, the drama unfolding between both Ken and Igan just reminds me of prior disappointments such as with New Earth Nation, I got some real insights into Sacha Stone and his Wall St Bankers and High Courth Judges while claiming to be all for sovereignity, same with Icke when I met him, as you personally know those stories well with the People's Voice. I think I am kind of sick of the supposedly awake and aware because all people are doing is the same shit they do to eachother in the world of mainstream, very little that is conscious and most of the public figures are still men, why not more strong outspoken women? I often wonder if the reason there are more male speakers or popular figures still than female is it because women have been given too much archetypal baggage to shake off than men have. For me as I age and live in an isolatation away from friends and family, what really matters is a heart, some humanity, and kindness. everything else I can't be bothered with anymore after pouring my heart into environmental problems, in the end all the problems of the world come down to quality of consciousness and compassion and there are few people that truly care about anything other than themselves, you know when they do because they put their heart into what matters to them. Cx

Oh Carlita good to hear from one whos suffered these bumbling goon squads of idiots before in other circumstances. I am totes over the boys clubs. I dont want to work with any of them because they all just feature each other on each others bandwagons, all living off goodwill donations for a decade, and because they are set up as heroes, get endless assistance, sponsors, donations, promotion from the black budget to promote this continually imploding CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, and people who are genuine get fuck all really besides the satisfaction of integrity. I see this as a wonderful opportunity for each of us to stand up in our own way in our own lives however we can, live truth

Very well said, that is exactly what is going on. i've spent my entire life devoted to environmental conservation. I am now completely destitute here in Ecuador, I have genuinely been working my arse off and risking my life to try change things in the Amazon with barely any help only to end up like this. I haven't the funds to get a flight back to the UK and no means of earning a living online because I have been financially targetted since I self published my book last year. So it makes me pretty angry when I see this stuff going on while those of us that are really putting ourselves on the line fall by the wayside.

Thanks Ellisa. You're amazing.