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RE: Ken O Keefe Freefall - The Shooting Star That Cant find a Vein.. . Notes on a dickhead by Elissa Hawke

in #anarchy8 years ago

I'm not familiar with Deanna, but I did hear about the fall of David's plan. Definitely more to it that mere coincidence. If it happens once, it's bad luck, twice, it's coincidence, three times or more, it's planned. I have also read something, allegedly made by the original WC team detailing how the "plan" would pay off. If these are legit, then the whole thing is, and has always been, a massive pyramid scheme in the making. The original team all left, or were they fired? Who TF knows? people take lies to their grave, especially when their pride is on the line. When it comes to a middle aged, heterosexual man and his pride, nothing inflates it better than a younger, attractive and totally engaged member of the opposite sex. Just sayin' ;) But, what goes up, must come down, ego and pride probably quicker.


I saw those figures on the "sign up 100 people a month Tupperware plan" just two days ago and I am glad that was never advertised publicly or no one would have joined. As it is I think I influenced about 5 people to join in 10 months, so theyre dreamin´-. It seems the whole team had left, or dissed him so bad he has now left us too. I am in no way sure of whats gone on still and it is in no way clear, thats why everyone is publicly commenting now, so we can have everything on the table. Kens secrecy, and the fact the money is 100% under his control, and Max has shown Kens intent to purchase land ... Ken needs to salvage what he can of his reputation and honor the mission. Integrity is all we have

Please see team members website

Who are you and how are you involved if you dont mind me asking? I met Sophia at the first Anarchapulco. She came up to me when I was sitting alone just for a few minutes. I liked her. I liked her energy, her spirit, her style. I didnt know anything about her but we became friends on fb after the conference and I liked some of her art very much. I enjoyed her politics and comprehension of reality for a youngen she was inspiring and individual. I dont know her backstory or how much she comprehends of the symbolism, or who else has picked her up and "assisted" her work, but I am willing to believe her when she says she believes their love is real. I pointed out that Judyth Vary Bakers love with Lee Harvey Oswald was real too

This is my husband´s website