(My Clovis News Journal column for September 16, 2016- I'm not allowed to post the entire column anywhere for 30 days, due to exclusivity. Sorry)
Libertarians advocate best government (my chosen headline)
What's the difference between a libertarian and an anarchist?
Libertarians advocate liberty. Specifically, maximum liberty and minimum government, because the two are inversely related. The more of one you have, the less you have of the other. What's the minimum level of government you can impose on others?
"That government is best which governs least" wrote Henry David Thoreau. The best government is zero government...read the rest...
Interesting article. I tend to be libertarian, but I tend to be more anarchist as I go along. Just followed you.
My usual tagline - mostly to avoid reaching Godwin's law or falling into a paradoxical pitfall - is the classic:
Thats my creed. Shouldn't we accept that humanity is already into anarchism? governments, nations, whatever, are just subgroups harshly consensuated.
I think that at this point in time, we could think of another dimension of this statement. Distributed consensus brings amazing new possibilites. We should insist in rethink a lot of the usual social concepts, that once might have been relevant but as of today are probably obsolete.
Here's something you might consider: The Covenant of Unanimous Consent