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RE: Solar Panels and Economic Ignorance

in #anarchy7 years ago


I have a L O N G history in "Green energy" as my father worked in this industry for almost 20 years, and I spent 20 years listening to him rant about the bullshit of world governments and their agendas that are NOT interested in "green energy" and only speak hypocritical words to appease the masses.

What most North Americans do not know is that many other countries- Norway in particular- have created solar panels that W A Y outstrip anything produced in America or Canada- not only in "power" but in longevity and capabilities. Why are these excellent products not allowed in the US? Because they are TOO* good!! The US (and Canada) do not want people to have access to equipment that can actually take them "off grid" and not only save them money on their power bills, but MAKE money by feeding energy back into the "grid". This is the bullshit double talk of politicians everywhere (not just Trump- believe me!!) who are no more than shills for the Big Energy companies.