I made a good friend online about five years ago. His name was Brom Kiefetz. He was originally from NYC and living in Panama. I had a few conversations with him about various topics and he became a close friend, although we never met in person. In fact, all of our conversations happened in text format. He gave me a lot of good advice as I struggled with various life choices.
Unfortunately, I lost his friendship due to an unexpected illness. However, I did save something from our conversations. I think it's excellent advice for anyone trying to survive and prosper in the current climate of the world. I'm not sure when he wrote this, but this document is from 10 April, 2013, called Brom's Freedom List:
Do you want to know how to be free?
Be able to defend yourself
Have money in hard assets and in paper spread over a number of countries
Live somewhere that doesn't tax foreign-source income or have double-tax treaties with any OECD nation, especially the USSA
Have a place to escape to where everyone knows everyone else and all trust each other -- everyone armed -- with one means of ingress, preferably in the mountains
Know how to disappear completely
Know how to get a number of new identities with documents that will stand up to a bureaucrat (they don't have to stand up to state mercenaries with the highest of high-tech equipment)
Know how to negotiate
Know how to find the centers of power where you are and always demonstrate that you are an asset not a tax-cancer
Know how to signal power in willingness to fight bureaucracies
Don't let your possessions own you
Try to keep your ears open and your mouth shut
Don't tell anyone else how they should live or what they should think
Be a decent human being.
~Brom Kiefetz, Rest In Peace.
Sound advice.
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