To all forms of collectivism, tyrants, demagogues, secret decoder-ring wearing world-domination-planning occult conclaves, religious philosophers, godkings, and assorted utopian for-your-own-good social science dropouts.
Well, dear coercive domination, we need to talk. This isn't easy for me, but I feel that I must say this.
You know, we have been together for, what, 5-6 thousand years now and some of that was really great, the invention of beer, the Stone Age, the Iron Age, the Renaissance, the industrial revolution, the modern tech age, all really awesome stuff, and although I think we might have done all that without you, possibly even better, faster and more effectively, nevertheless we did all that together and I will always remember that fondly. But after much consideration, and in light of recent developments, I feel that we need to end our relationship and see other people.
I plan to try self rule and a social contract based on a nonaggression principal, free markets and with a purely voluntary basis.
It's not you, it's me. I just don't want to continue being crushed beneath the enormous heel of a bureaucracy swollen with the ill gotten majority of my hard earned income, your seemingly unshakable belief in disarming me in direct violation of the Bill of Rights, a dedication to endless wars to secure your secret masters unethical interests, your prohibitions and countless laws that choke an unconstitutional penal system with people accused of committing victimless crimes, your completely compromised and inept media-propaganda machine that has become the engorged member of an entity it was originally intended to observe and report on, and your innumerable litter of acronymically named offspring who seek to erode my basic rights, limit my access to drugs and procedures to extend and enhance my life and health, and degrade humanity into a level of oppression a feudal serf would reject. While I do understand that you think all humans are either too stupid or evil to exists without you, and I don't know, maybe that was true once, right now I think I would like to give it a whirl, to try waking up in the morning without the thought that I am being constantly watched, evaluated and judged by the robotic army of a tyranny whose only goal is a world dominated by a modern aristocracy, a 1% that will own 99% of all the resources on earth.
Honestly , I think you'd be better off without me too, maybe you could get together with Ants or Termites, they seem ripe for your brand of love.
Good luck, they don't like when someone tries to escape!
Thanks. Maybe if enough of us decide we don't wanna play anymore someone will pay attention. I think that democrats may be re-evaluations the benefits of democracy right about now.